
   2021-03-30 互联网讯


核心提示:     据The Energy Year网站3月25日卡尔加里报道,加拿大能源监管机构周二表示,2018-2023年,加拿大主

     据The Energy Year网站3月25日卡尔加里报道,加拿大能源监管机构周二表示,2018-2023年,加拿大主要产油省阿尔伯塔的可再生能源发展将成为全国增长最快的省份。





    郝芬 译自 The Energy Year


    Alberta to see Canada’s fastest growth in renewables

    Canada’s main oil-producing province is set to see the nation’s fastest growth in renewable energy development from 2018 to 2023, the Canada Energy Regulator said on Tuesday.

    The share of renewables in the province’s power generation capacity will grow to 26% in 2023, up from 16% in 2017. This reflects an addition of 2 GW of capacity.

    Alberta’s green energy drive comprises wind and solar projects, alongside the phase-out of coal-fired power plants.

    While the province is known globally for its oil sands deposits, the plentiful sun and wind of its prairie landscape have positioned it to replace coal-fired power with renewables.

    Alberta’s renewables share is still dwarfed by hydropower-rich provinces such as neighbouring British Columbia, which boasts a more than 98% share.

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