
   2021-03-31 互联网讯


核心提示:     据Energy Voice 3月30日报道,合资伙伴马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)今天表示,钻探总深度为2

     据Energy Voice 3月30日报道,合资伙伴马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)今天表示,钻探总深度为2538米的wild cat Sirung-1井在渐新世至中新世砂岩储层中遇到了“一个重要的油气柱——超过100米”,凸显了巴林基安的潜力,剩余的勘探前景有待挖掘。


    “Sirung-1的发现进一步证明了石油的存在,特别是在巴林基安内勘探不足的较深区域。这是在D18油田加密井取得类似成功之后,我们完全有能力在同一个区域其他两个相邻区块,即SK411和SK306区块进行类似的开采。因此,开发该区块和其他周边地区仍然是马来西亚国家石油公司和我们合作伙伴长期增长计划的一个组成部分。”负责上游勘探的副总裁Emeliana Rice-Oxley说。

    “Sirung-1探井标志着PTTEP继SK410B的Lang Lebah和SK417的Dokong之后在马来西亚近海的第三次发现。PTTEP还计划明年在这个PSC勘探附近的矿藏。随着我们继续扩大在马来西亚的勘探范围,这些成就巩固了我们的投资基础。” PTTEP的首席执行官Phongsthorn Thavisin说。

    PTTEP表示,除了Sarawak SK405B外,还有SK410B、SK314A、SK438、SK417、PM407和PM415,都还在勘探阶段。PTTEP在马来西亚的投资组合中的主要项目包括K区、SK309区、SK311区的生产资产、H区的Rotan Buloh气田以及马来西亚-泰国联合开发区内与Petronas Carigali共同经营的气田。PTTEP还通过PTT全球液化天然气公司与PTT共同投资了位于Sarawak的LNG液化出口工厂MLNG Train 9号项目。


    PTTEP说,SK 405B区块位于浅水区,距离Sarawak Bintulu海岸约137公里。PTTEP以59.5%的参与权益运营该区块。MOECO Oil和Petronas Carigali分别持有25.5%和15%的权益。

    陈可可 摘译自Energy Voice


    PTTEP makes third oil and gas discovery off Malaysia

    Wildcat well Sirung-1, drilled to a total depth of 2,538 metres, hit a “significant oil and gas column – exceeding 100 metres within the oligocene to middle miocene sandstone reservoirs,” underscoring the potential of the Balingian province, with remaining prospects yet to be drilled, joint venture partner Petronas said today.

    PTTEP, which operates the block, said an appraisal well is planned in the near future to assess the upside resources.

    “The Sirung-1 discovery further proves the presence of oil, especially in the under-explored deeper play within the Balingian Province. This came after similar success in an infill well at D18 Field. We are well-positioned to pursue a similar play in the other two neighbouring blocks in the same province, namely Blocks SK411 and SK306. As such, developing this block and other surrounding areas remains an integral part of Petronas and our partners’ long-term growth plans,” said Petronas vice president of exploration, upstream, Emeliana Rice-Oxley.

    “The Sirung-1 exploration well marks PTTEP’s third discovery offshore Malaysia following SK410B’s Lang Lebah and SK417’s Dokong. PTTEP also plans to explore nearby prospects in this PSC next year. The achievements have strengthened our investment base as we continue to expand our exploration horizon in Malaysia,” said PTTEP’s chief executive Phongsthorn Thavisin.

    Apart from the Sarawak SK405B, there are also SK410B, SK314A, SK438, SK417, PM407 and PM415, all still in the exploration stage, said PTTEP. Major projects in PTTEP’s portfolio in Malaysia include the producing assets in Block K, SK309, SK311, the Rotan-Buloh field in Block H and the jointly operated gas fields with Petronas Carigali in the Malaysia–Thailand Joint Development Area. PTTEP is also a joint investor with PTT, through the PTT Global LNG Company, in the MLNG Train 9 Project, an LNG liquefaction export plant in Sarawak.

    As part of its 2021 bid round, Petronas said it “is offering 13 new opportunities in the prolific basins of Malaysia which are also accompanied by enhanced fiscal and non-fiscal terms. This initiative is part of Petronas’ continuous efforts to grow with its partners in Malaysia.”

    Block SK 405B is located in the shallow waters, about 137 kilometres off the coast of Bintulu, Sarawak, said PTTEP. PTTEP operates the block with a 59.5% participating interest. MOECO Oil and Petronas Carigali holds 25.5% and 15% interest respectively.

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