
   2021-04-07 互联网讯


核心提示:     据ICIS-MRC网站4月6日莫斯科报道,据美国化学委员会(ACC)日前表示,2月份全球化学品产量增长1.4





    郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


    Global chemical output rises by 1.4% in February

    Global chemical output rose by 1.4% in February, at a slightly slower pace than January, said American Chemistry Council (ACC).

    The ACC’s Global Chemical Production Index (CPRI) measures the production volume of the chemical industry for 33 key nations, sub-regions, and regions, all aggregated to the world total. During February, output was weak in most regions, with chemical production increasing in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Headline global production was up 14.4% year on year on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis. Global output stood at 132% of its average 2012 levels. Global capacity rose 0.2% and was up 1.9% year on year. With improving production capacity utilisation in the global chemical industry rose one point to 89.2%, above February levels.

    The effects of the mid-February freeze influenced chemical production in North America. Production fell by 3.3% in the region, with activity improved in Mexico and soft in Canada. Regional activity was down by 3.9% year on year with year-earlier declines in the US, Canada, and Mexico.

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