
   2021-04-07 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源世界网4月6日新德里报道,根据国际可再生能源署(IRENA)表示,随着各国进一步减少对化石燃





    IRENA总干事Francesco La Camera表示,成本在下降,清洁技术市场在增长,能源转型的好处从未如此明显。他补充道,这一趋势势不可挡,但还有大量工作要做。




    根据国际能源署(International energy Agency)和其它来源的数据显示,可再生能源在全球能源生产中所占比例目前接近30%。

    各国正在从化石燃料转向可再生能源,以实现2015年《巴黎协定》(Paris Agreement)达成的长期目标,即将平均气温上升幅度限制在比工业化前水平高出2摄氏度以下。这将要求各国在2050年之前达到净零碳排放。

    郝芬 译自 能源世界网


    Record 260 GW of new renewable energy capacity added in 2020: Research

    A record 260 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable energy capacity was added worldwide in 2020, up 50 per cent from the year before, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said, as countries further reduced their reliance on fossil fuel power.

    In its Renewable Capacity Statistics 2021 report, the agency said more than 80 per cent of all new electricity capacity added last year was renewable, with solar and wind accounting for 91 per cent of new renewables.

    The rise in new capacity was partly because of the decommissioning of fossil fuel power generation in Europe, North America and in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia and Turkey.

    Total fossil fuel additions fell to 60 GW in 2020 from 64 GW the previous year.

    "Costs are falling, clean tech markets are growing and never before have the benefits of the energy transition been so clear," said IRENA director general Francesco La Camera

    "This trend is unstoppable, but (...) there is a huge amount to be done," he added.

    Last month, IRENA said renewable power capacity will have to expand more than ten-fold by mid-century to avert catastrophic climate change.

    China, already the world's largest market for renewables, added 136 GW of renewables last year, while the United States installed 29 GW, IRENA said in its capacity statistics report.

    Cumulatively, installed global renewable generation capacity amounted to 2,799 GW at the end of 2020, including hydropower.

    The share of renewables in energy generation worldwide now stands at nearly 30 per cent, according to the International Energy Agency and other sources.

    Nations are switching from fossil fuels to renewables in an effort to meet the long-term goal, agreed under the 2015 Paris Agreement, of limiting a rise in average temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This would require countries to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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