
   2021-04-09 互联网讯


核心提示:     据能源之声4月8日消息称,JERA是世界上最大的液化天然气(LNG)买家,该公司在一份声明中表示,从北






    JERA是由东京电力公司的全资子公司TEPCO Fuel&Power与日本中部电力公司对半持股的合资企业,成立于2015年4月。

    曹海斌 摘译自 能源之声


    JERA, World’s Largest LNG Buyer, Sets Up Offshore Wind base

    Favorable wind conditions along the Japan Sea from Hokkaido to Tohoku make it a promising area with many locations suitable for offshore wind power generation, JERA, which is also the world’s largest buyer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), said in a statement.

    “In Akita Prefecture, bidding for the development of offshore wind power projects (off Noshiro City, Mitane Town, and Oga City and off Yurihonjo City) is now being conducted under the Act on Promoting the Utilization of Sea Areas for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities. JERA aims to participate together with its business partners,” the company said.

    “Because JERA believes that Akita Prefecture, as a first-mover, will become a hub for the accumulation of information and human resources related to the domestic offshore wind industry, it has established the Akita Office to consider the development of offshore wind power projects, to collect information, and to communicate with local communities in the Tohoku region,” JERA added.

    The office will launch with a small number of employees but is expected to grow in scale as the business develops.

    “Aiming to become a global leader in renewable energy, JERA will actively promote large-scale offshore wind power generation projects in Japan and overseas with the understanding and cooperation of local communities and other stakeholders, thereby helping to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society,” JERA added.

    JERA is 50-50 joint venture between TEPCO Fuel & Power, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power Company, and Chubu Electric Power, founded in April 2015.

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