
   2021-04-08 互联网讯


核心提示:     据全球能源新闻4月6日报道,普拉格能源(Plug Power),查特工业公司(Chart Industries, Inc.)和

     据全球能源新闻4月6日报道,普拉格能源(Plug Power),查特工业公司(Chart Industries, Inc.)和贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)宣布他们有意成为FiveT氢基金的基础投资者,FiveT氢基金是一个独特的新型清洁氢私人基础设施基金,致力于大规模交付清洁氢基础设施项目。

    Plug Power计划投入1.6亿欧元(合2亿美元),查特工业公司和贝克休斯公司分别计划投入5000万欧元(合6000万美元),以确认FiveT将为氢气行业带来的独特价值主张。这些投资使FiveT能够在氢工业的核心地位,并帮助推进更广泛的全球使命,以应对气候变化和加快能源转型。这只以欧元计价的基金,只提供给合格的和经过核实的投资者,其雄心是从金融和工业投资者那里筹集总计10亿欧元的资金。

    能源行业和许多公司普遍认为,氢经济需要迅速扩大规模,才能取得成功,并成为构建净零全球经济解决方案的关键部分。投资者在推动成功方面发挥着重要作用,氢基础设施领域的金融和战略利益相关者之间的智能合作可以释放更广泛氢经济的潜力,加快投资步伐,支持未来的净零排放。Plug Power、查特工业公司和贝克休斯是该基金的早期基石投资者,帮助其建立市场地位,并使其投资活动的第一阶段成为可能。


    通过将雄厚的财政实力和严格的投资与对氢市场及其技术的无与伦比的知识和准入相结合,该基金有望成为氢基础设施项目融资和建设的催化剂。该基金由Pierre Etienne Franc领导,截至3月31日,他是液化空气公司氢能源副总裁和氢委员会的联合秘书。

    Plug Power Inc.是一家从事氢燃料电池系统开发的美国公司,该系统可替代电力驱动设备和车辆中的传统电池。该公司总部设在纽约州的莱瑟姆,在华盛顿州的斯波坎和纽约州的罗切斯特设有办事处。

    查特工业公司是一家全球领先的独立设备制造商,为能源和工业气体市场的多种应用提供服务。我们独特的产品组合用于液化气供应链的每个阶段,包括前期工程、服务和维修。公司总部设在美国佐治亚州的 Ball Ground。

    郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



    Plug Power, Chart Industries, Inc. and Baker Hughes, are announcing their intention to become cornerstone investors in the formation of the FiveT Hydrogen Fund, a unique new clean-hydrogen-only private infrastructure fund dedicated to delivering clean hydrogen infrastructure projects at scale.

    Plug Power intends to commit €160 million ($200 million), and Chart Industries and Baker Hughes each intend to commit €50 million respectively ($60 million), recognising the unique value proposition that FiveT will bring to the hydrogen sector. These investments enable FiveT to establish itself at the heart of the hydrogen industry and help advance a broader global mission to address climate change and accelerate the energy transition. This Euro-denominated Fund, offered only to qualifying and verified investors, has the ambition to raise a total of €1 billion from both financial and industrial investors.

    The energy industry and many corporations broadly agree the hydrogen economy needs to build scale at speed to succeed and become a key part of the solution to building a net-zero global economy. Investors have an important role to play in driving success, and smart collaboration between financial and strategic stakeholders in hydrogen infrastructure can unlock the potential of the broader hydrogen economy, accelerating the pace of investment and supporting a net-zero emissions future. Plug Power, Chart Industries and Baker Hughes are early cornerstone investors in the Fund, helping it to establish its market presence and enabling the first stages of its investment activity.

    The Fund will exclusively finance projects in the production, storage and distribution of clean hydrogen. Projects will aim to achieve strong infrastructure returns and deliver true sustainability for a lasting impact on environment, society and businesses. The Fund will continually seek alliances with industrial companies looking to build the hydrogen energy supply chain and form alliances to grow projects at scale.

    By combining deep financial strength and investment rigor with unparalleled knowledge of and access to the hydrogen market and its technology, the Fund is expected to be a catalyst for both the financing and building of hydrogen infrastructure projects. The Fund is led by Pierre Etienne Franc, who was, up to the 31st of March, the vice president of Hydrogen Energy for Air Liquide and co-secretary of the Hydrogen Council.

    Plug Power Inc. is an American company engaged in the development of hydrogen fuel cell systems that replace conventional batteries in equipment and vehicles powered by electricity. The company is headquartered in Latham, New York, and has facilities in Spokane, Washington, and Rochester, New York.

    Chart Industries, Inc. is a leading independent global manufacturer of highly engineered equipment servicing multiple applications in the Energy and Industrial Gas markets. Our unique product portfolio is used in every phase of the liquid gas supply chain, including upfront engineering, service and repair. The company is headquartered in Ball Ground, Georgia, USA.

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