
   2021-04-13 互联网讯


核心提示:   据OE网站4月12日报道,专注于东南亚的石油公司克里斯能源公司(KrisEnergy)经过几次延误后,于3月31日



  115/09区块占地7,382平方公里,位于越南中部近海的宋洪(Song Hong )盆地南部。

  据埃尼称,该地区毗邻114区块,其运营商越南埃尼公司及其合作伙伴Essar勘探及生产有限公司最近宣布了目前正在评估Ken Bau天然气和凝析油发现。

  新区块还与116区块接壤,该区块也由埃尼越南公司运营,并拥有100%的参与权益。该区块占地面积为7,382 平方公里,水深范围为90-1,000m。

  埃尼表示,这次收购使埃尼在该国的存在进一步加强,符合其扩大在亚洲远东天然气资产组合的战略。埃尼自2013年以来一直在越南,目前运营着五个区块,都位于越南中部近海未开发的Song Hong 和Phu Khanh盆地。

  郝芬 译自 OE


  Eni Behind the Acquisition of KrisEnergy's Vietnam Block

  Southeast Asia-focused oil firm KrisEnergy, after several delays, on March 31 completed the sale of its Block 115/09 offshore Vietnam, to an unnamed international major, never saying who the buyer was.

  Some two weeks later, on Monday, April 12, the Italian oil giant Eni has revealed itself as the buyer, saying it had, through its subsidiary Eni Vietnam, completed the acquisition from Krisenergy of a 100% participating interest and the operatorship in Block 115/09, offshore central Vietnam. The two firms had initially signed the sale and purchase deal in February 2020, as KrisEnergy focused on its Apsara project in Cambodia.

  Block 115/09, covering 7,382 square kilometers, is located in the southern Song Hong Basin, offshore central Vietnam.

  "The area is adjacent to Block 114 where the operator Eni Vietnam and its partner Essar Exploration and Production Limited have recently announced the Ken Bau gas and condensates discovery currently under appraisal," Eni said.

  The new acreage also borders with Block 116, also operated by Eni Vietnam with a 100% participating interest. The block covers an area of 7,382 Km2, with a water depth ranging from 90m to 1,000m.

  "Eni's presence in the country is further strengthened with this acquisition, in line with its strategy of expanding of its gas portfolio in the Asian Far East. Eni has been present in Vietnam since 2013, and currently operates five blocks all located in the underexplored Song Hong and Phu Khanh basins, offshore central Vietnam," Eni said.

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