
   2021-04-22 互联网讯


核心提示:     据阿纳多卢新闻4月21日消息称,周一,牛津大学可持续金融项目发布的一份新报告显示,随着2015年至








    牛津大学可持续金融项目主任兼合著者Ben Caldecott说:“这对可再生能源的成本来说是个好消息,因为融资成本是决定总成本的关键因素。可再生能源贷款息差的下降意味着,这些项目对纳税人来说将变得更加便宜,这对能源部门迅速脱碳是一件好事。”

    朱佳妮 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


    Cost of financing renewables shows significant fall

    With the fall in the costs of renewables deployment between 2015 and 2020, more financing has been made in this sector, a new report by Oxford University Sustainable Finance Program revealed on Monday.

    Renewables deployment increased with solar, onshore wind and offshore wind financing costs falling by 20%, 15% and 33% respectively in the period between 2015 and 2020 relative to 2010-2014, the report, the Energy Transition and Changing Financing Costs, showed.

    The report, which analyzed how the financing costs for energy projects measured through loan spreads have changed over the past 20 years, found that financial institutions view renewables as less risky than coal while oil and gas financing costs have exhibited significantly less change.

    Renewables have seen their loan spreads in the period between 2017 and 2020 fall by an average of 12% for onshore wind and 24% for offshore wind compared to 2007-2010, the report showed.

    The speed of the drop in cost of financing for renewables has increased since 2015 with regional differences.

    Financing costs for offshore wind in Europe reduced by 39% over this time while reductions of 41%, 14% and 11% for onshore wind were seen in Australia, North America and Europe, respectively.

    Solar project financing costs dropped by 32% in North America and 27% in Europe.

    "This is good news for the cost of renewables, as financing costs are a key determinant of overall costs. Falling loan spreads for renewables mean these projects will become even cheaper for ratepayers and taxpayers, which is a good thing for rapidly decarbonizing the energy sector," Co-author and Director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Program, Ben Caldecott, was quoted as saying.

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