
   2021-04-21 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油田技术4月19日消息称,海王星能源公司宣布已开始在其德国西北部霍格施泰德市经营的Adorf Z16天然

   据油田技术4月19日消息称,海王星能源公司宣布已开始在其德国西北部霍格施泰德市经营的Adorf Z16天然气开发井上进行钻探。

  该井正在使用KCA Deutag运营的钻机进行钻井作业,预计今年8月将达到3400米左右的最终深度。Adorf石炭纪气田于2020年被发现,Adorf Z15井于10月投产。Z16井将是该地层中的第二口井。

  海王星能源公司驻德国董事总经理Andreas Scheck表示:“Adorf Z16井预计将使海王星能源油田的日产量增加一倍,达到约3700桶油当量。



  朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


  Neptune Energy begins drilling at Adorf gas development

  Neptune Energy has announced drilling has begun at its operated Adorf Z16 gas development well in the municipality of Hoogstede, north western Germany.

  The well is being drilled with a rig operated by KCA Deutag, with final depth of around 3400 m expected to be reached in August this year. The Adorf Carboniferous gas field was discovered in 2020 and the Adorf Z15 well was brought into production in October. The Z16 well will be the second in the formation.

  Neptune Energy’s Managing Director in Germany, Andreas Scheck, said: “The Adorf Z16 well is expected to double Neptune’s daily production in the field to around 3700 boe.

  “Following the field’s discovery last year, this ongoing activity underlines our commitment to invest in the region. The Adorf carboniferous field development is one of our most promising activities in Germany and demonstrates our desire to grow our business here.”

  Neptune Energy recently completed the acquisition of interests in several oil and gas fields in western Germany and owns 100% of the Adorf Carboniferous gas field.

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