油价拖累能源类股 澳大利亚股市收平

   2021-04-20 互联网讯


核心提示:   据路透社4月19日报道,澳洲股市周一收平,因能源和科技板块的下跌抹去了矿业板块稍早的提振,而旅游类


  S&P/ASX 200指数收于7065.6点。能源类股下跌1.4%,因印度等国新冠肺炎感染病例激增,油价暴跌。伍德赛德石油下跌近2%,桑托斯下跌1.3%。科技股下跌0.8%,Afterpay下跌近1%。

  矿业指数上涨0.8%,铁矿石和铜价保持坚挺。里约热内卢Tinto上涨1.7%,Fortescue metals Group上涨1.8%。

  锂矿商Orocobre股价飙升5.7%,此前该公司宣布将以14亿美元收购规模较小的国内同行Galaxy Resources,以打造全球第五大最有价值的锂生产商。要知道,锂是电动汽车电池的关键原材料。


  旅游类股小幅走高,Helloworld Travel上涨2.4%,Sydney Airport Holdings上涨0.5%。

  FP Markets亚太地区首席执行官Nick Twidale表示:“由于新冠肺炎疫情,旅游业遭受了沉重打击,现在幸存下来的旅行社对大多数人来说开始显得很有价值。但旅游业要想真正复苏,并表现得接近疫情爆发前的水平,我们需要世界其他地区通过更好的疫苗推广进程来摆脱疫情。”

  新西兰基准S&P/NZX 50指数上涨0.7%,至12767.83点,奥克兰机场(Auckland Airport)涨幅最大,该指数上涨了4.7%。

  王佳晶 摘译自 路透社


  Australia shares end flat as oil prices weigh on energy stocks

  Australian shares closed flat on Monday as losses among energy and technology sectors erased an early mining boost, while tourism-related stocks found some respite as a travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand kicked off.

  The S&P/ASX 200 index closed flat at 7,065.6.

  Energy stocks slipped 1.4% as oil prices slumped amid a surge in COVID-19 infections in India and other countries. Woodside Petroleum fell nearly 2% while Santos lost 1.3%.

  Technology stocks shed 0.8%, with buy-now-pay-later heavyweight Afterpay losing nearly 1%.

  The mining index rose 0.8% as ironore and copper prices held firm. Rio Tinto gained 1.7% while Fortescue metals Group added 1.8%.

  Orocobre soared 5.7% after the lithium miner said it was buying smaller domestic peer Galaxy Resources for $1.4 billion to create the world’s fifth-most valuable producer of the key raw material for electric vehicle batteries.

  Meanwhile, hundreds of passengers from Australia began arriving in New Zealand airports on Monday, as open-border system between the countries allows Australia residents to fly across Tasman Sea without having to quarantine.

  Travel stocks edged higher, with Helloworld Travel advancing 2.4% and Sydney Airport Holdings rising 0.5%.

  “The travel industry took a hit last year due to the pandemic and the ones that survived now started to look of good value to most people,” FP Markets - APAC Chief Executive Officer Nick Twidale said.

  “But for the travel sector to really pick up and be performing anywhere near like last year, we need the rest of the world to come out of the pandemic, with better vaccine rollouts,” he added.

  New Zealand’s benchmark S&P/NZX 50 index was up 0.7% at 12,767.83, with Auckland Airport gaining the most after rising 4.7%.

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