
   2021-04-16 互联网讯


核心提示:   据阿纳多卢新闻4月14日新闻消息称,欧佩克周二在其月度石油市场报告中表示,2021年全球石油需求预计将



  “2021年期间风险仍将很高,取决于疫情的发展以及达到群体免疫目标的速度,” 报告警告称,将进一步影响石油需求的短期因素包括劳动力市场的发展、疫情对需求的结构性影响、新能源政策以及大规模货币和财政刺激措施的有效性。





  朱佳妮 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻


  Global oil demand to increase 6% in 2021: OPEC

  Global oil demand is expected to increase by around 6% to an average of 96.5 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2021, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said in its Monthly Oil Market Report on Tuesday.

  Gasoline is projected to be the key driver for the oil demand recovery beginning with the onset of the summer driving season, it added.

  “Risks will remain high during 2021, subject to COVID-19 developments, and the pace of reaching herd immunity targets,” the report warned, noting that short term factors that will further impact oil demand involve developments in labor markets, the structural impact of the pandemic on demand, new energy policies and the effectiveness of large-scale monetary and fiscal stimulus measures.

  Demand for OPEC crude in 2021 has been revised up by 200,000 bpd from the previous month to stand at 27.4 million bpd, which is 4.9 million bpd higher than in 2020.

  Global oil production in March increased by 1.22 million bpd compared to the previous month to average 93.23 million bpd, while reflecting a year-on-year fall of 7.22 million bpd.

  The report shows that OPEC crude oil production increased by 200,000 bpd month-over-month to an average of 25.04 million bpd, while the share of OPEC crude out of total global production fell to 26.9% in February, marking a 0.1% decrease compared with the previous month.

  Non-OPEC liquids production in March increased by 1.02 million bpd compared with the previous month to an average of 68.19 million bpd.

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