
   2021-04-16 互联网讯


核心提示:   据阿拉伯贸易网4月15日消息,全球领先的数据分析公司GlobalData表示,未来五年亚洲将见证全球最高的原

   据阿拉伯贸易网4月15日消息,全球领先的数据分析公司GlobalData表示,未来五年亚洲将见证全球最高的原油蒸馏装置(CDU)产能增加, 2025年前亚洲新增CDU产能将占全球新增CDU产能的约48%。


  GlobalData石油和天然气分析师Soorya Tejomoortula评论道:“2025年前亚洲大国和印度将主要推动亚洲炼油厂CDU产能的增加。在扩建项目中,印度的瓦迪纳炼油厂预计将成为该地区产能增加最多的,将新增产能51.5万桶/天。”

  张春晓 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易网


  Asia continues to drive global refinery CDU capacity additions

  Asia is expected to witness the highest crude distillation unit (CDU) capacity additions globally, contributing about 48% of the total global CDU capacity additions by 2025, says GlobalData, a leading data, and analytics company.

  GlobalData’s report, ‘Global Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook for Refineries, 2021–2025 -Asia Leads Global Refinery CDU Capacity Additions’, reveals that Asia is likely to witness a total CDU capacity additions of 5.4 million barrels per day (mmbd) by 2025. Of this, new build capacity would be 3.2 mmbd while the rest is from expansion of existing refineries.

  Soorya Tejomoortula, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “The biggest country in Asia and India primarily drive refinery CDU capacity additions in Asia by 2025. Jieyang and Yulong, both in China, are the largest upcoming new build projects in Asia during 2021 to 2025 outlook period, each with a capacity of 400 thousand barrels per day (mbd). Among the expansion projects, Vadinar in India is expected to witness the highest capacity additions of 515 mbd by 2025 in the region.”

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