
   2021-04-16 互联网讯


核心提示:   据4月15日Neftegaz.RU消息:伊拉克石油部长Ihsan Abdul Jabbar表示,该国计划到2029年将石油产能从目

   据4月15日Neftegaz.RU消息:伊拉克石油部长Ihsan Abdul Jabbar表示,该国计划到2029年将石油产能从目前的480万桶/天提高到800万桶/天。

  Ihsan Abdul Jabbar还表示,石油产能有望达到每天1200万桶,目前的计划与欧佩克+协议保持石油市场稳定的减产计划并不冲突,逐步增加的产量将通过该国现有的主要油田实现,包括Majnoon、Zubair和Rumaila油田,这些油田加起来有能力将产量翻一番。另外,伊拉克计划提高炼油厂产能,以停止进口燃料的需求。



  冯娟 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


  Iraqi oil minister reveals plans to boost production to 8 million barrels by 2029

  Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said that his country plans to increase its oil production capacity to 8 million barrels of oil per day by 2029, compared to current production of 4.8 million barrels per day, Asharq Business reported.

  Ihsan Abdul Jabbar stated:

  Oil production capacity could reach 12 million barrels per day

  Current plans do not conflict with the OPEC + agreement to reduce production to maintain the stability of oil markets

  The gradual increase in production would take place through the country’s existing major oil fields, including the Majnoon, Zubair and Rumaila fields - which together have the ability to double their production

  There were plans to increase the capabilities of refineries in Iraq to stop the need for importing fuel

  Iraq is also seeking to increase its production capacity in the natural gas sector to reduce the volume of imports from abroad.

  The minister disclosed that a framework agreement had been reached to extend an oil pipeline from Basra to the port of Aqaba in Jordan and that he anticipated the implementation of the agreement to follow within a year.

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