
   2021-04-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据4月22日Neftegaz.RU. 报道,PGNiG Upstream Norway及其合作伙伴已经开始在Duva油田钻探生产井,预计

   据4月22日Neftegaz.RU. 报道,PGNiG Upstream Norway及其合作伙伴已经开始在Duva油田钻探生产井,预计将于2021年第三季度启动首次生产。


  PGNiG首席执行官Pawe? Majewski表示:“Duva油田的开发完全符合PGNiG集团的战略,我们一直在建立一个多样化的天然气供应组合,我们自己在挪威大陆架的生产是一个关键部分。一旦波罗的海管道投入运营,我们希望确保运往波兰的大部分天然气将来自挪威PGNiG拥有的油田。”


  PGNiG与其他合作伙伴拥有Duva 30%的权益,Neptune Energy作为油田运营商,拥有30%的权益,Idemitsu Petroleum Norge拥有30%的权益,Sval Energi 拥有10%的权益。

  PGNiG Upstream Norway今年的天然气产量预计将达到9亿立方米。


  王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


  Poland′s PGNiG: Getting ready for 1st production from the Duva field in Norway

  PGNiG Upstream Norway and its licence partners have started drilling production wells in the Duva field, with 1st production expected in the 3rd quarter of 2021.

  Work has commenced on 4 production wells in the Duva field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

  The wells, each 2,500 m long, are being drilled using a semi-submersible platform.

  The drilling operations will take approximately 3 months to complete.

  The field will then move to the production phase, which is due to start in the 3rd quarter of 2021.

  Pawe? Majewski, CEO of PGNiG, said:

  The Duva field development fits in perfectly with the PGNiG Group’s strategy

  We are consistently building a diversified portfolio of gas supplies, with our own production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf being a key element

  We want to make sure the largest possible share of natural gas brought to Poland, once the Baltic Pipe becomes operational, comes from fields partly owned by PGNiG Upstream Norway

  The drilling of production wells at the Duva field was preceded by the installation of the sub-sea tree system in March this year.

  The installation was carried out by a vessel instead of a rig, which reduced installation time, saved costs and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 60%.

  PGNiG owns a 30% interest in Duva, with the other partners:

  Neptune Energy (field operator with a 30% interest)

  Idemitsu Petroleum Norge (30%)

  Sval Energi (10%)

  Production volumes of PGNiG Upstream Norway are forecast to reach 0.9 bcm of natural gas this year.

  At present, the company holds interests in 36 licences, produces oil & gas from 9 fields, and is conducting project work in 6 further fields, including Duva.

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