
   2021-04-30 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网4月29日巴黎报道,法国能源集团道达尔(Total SE)周四公布的第一季度收益,与新冠疫情影响

   据能源世界网4月29日巴黎报道,法国能源集团道达尔(Total SE)周四公布的第一季度收益,与新冠疫情影响利润之前的水平相当,由于油气价格上涨提振了其贸易业务,并增加了发电量。







  将把自己重新命名为Total Energies道达尔能源的该集团表示,今年的投资目标是120亿-130亿美元,其中一半用于维持活动,其余用于增长,包括进一步进军可再生能源领域。

  道达尔表示,基于油气价格保持在第一季度水平,布伦特原油价格为每桶60美元,欧洲炼油利润率为每吨10 - 15美元,预计2021年将产生约240亿美元的债务调整后现金流。


  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  Total back to pre-pandemic profit levels as oil prices rise

  French energy group Total SE on Thursday posted first-quarter earnings similar to the levels it was generating before the coronavirus pandemic hit profits, as higher oil and gas prices boosted its trading business and it increased electricity production.

  The company, which is increasingly branching into renewable energy and diversifying away from its hydrocarbon-centered activities, profited from this drive as areas like oil refining suffered.

  Total reported an adjusted net income of $3 billion for the January to March period, a 69 per cent rise year-on-year, and 9 per cent above first quarter 2019 levels.

  This was despite a drop in hydrocarbon production of 7 per cent from a year earlier, to 2.863 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

  Oil prices plummeted with the start of coronavirus lockdowns early in 2020 that brought travel to a standstill and crushed fuel demand, pushing companies like Total to cut investments and find cost savings.

  Recovering prices are now boosting earnings at Total and peers like Britain's BP, as accelerating COVID-19 vaccination programmes also raise prospects for sustained demand, although lockdowns remain in place in some of Europe.

  Total cautioned that the oil environment remained "volatile and dependent on the global demand recovery."

  Like some peers, it is also benefiting from a booming natural gas business.

  The group, which is set to rebrand itself as TotalEnergies, said it was eyeing $12 billion to $13 billion in investments this year, with half of that going to maintaining activities and the rest for growth, including to further its push into renewable energy.

  Total said it expected to generate some $24 billion in debt-adjusted cash flow in 2021, based on hydrocarbon prices remaining at first-quarter levels, with Brent crude at $60 a barrel, and European refining margins of $10 to $15 per tonne.

  The group maintained a stable interim dividend of 0.66 euros per share against first quarter earnings.

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