
   2021-04-28 互联网讯


核心提示:   据今日油价网站4月26日消息 路透社援引沙特财政部长的话报道称,沙特阿拉伯在未来10年内,通过从原油

   据今日油价网站4月26日消息 路透社援引沙特财政部长的话报道称,沙特阿拉伯在未来10年内,通过从原油转向天然气和可再生能源发电,可以节省约2000亿美元。

  Mohammed al-Jadaan表示:“我们不是从国际市场以60美元的价格购买石油,然后以6美元的价格出售给沙特公用事业公司,也不是用我们在欧佩克的部分配额以6美元的价格出售,而是要在未来10年内实际每天至少置换100万桶石油当量,用天然气和可再生能源替代。”




  Al-Jadaan 表示:“从现在到2025年,甚至可能到2030年,财政可持续性是我们的首要任务。我们认为,在实现《2030年愿景》设定的所有目标之前,我们需要保持财政可持续性,控制政府支出。”

  王磊 摘译自 今日油价


  Saudi Arabia's Shift To Renewables Could Save It $200 Billion

  Saudi Arabia could save some $200 billion over the next ten years by switching from crude oil to natural gas and renewables for electricity production, Reuters reports, citing the Kingdom's Finance Minister.

  "Instead of buying fuel from the international markets at $60 and then selling it at $6 for Saudi utilities, or using some of our quota in OPEC to sell at $6, we're going to actually displace at least 1 million barrels a day of oil equivalent in the next 10 years and replace it with gas and renewables," Mohammed al-Jadaan said.

  OPEC's largest oil producer and world's largest exporter of crude is on a desperate quest to reduce its dependence on oil revenues by diversifying its economy away from the flagship export stock. Earlier this year,

  This amount is equal to roughly $1.3 trillion, and its unlocking will be enabled by investments from Saudi Arabia's largest private companies, the Kingdom's Public Investment Fund, and a National Investment Strategy, for which the details have yet to be released. The total investment poured into Saudi Arabia's private sector will amount to some $3.20 trillion (12 trillion riyals).

  The Vision 2030 diversification plan that Mohammed launched a few years ago is also very much alive, according to Al-Jadaan. The minister said the Kingdom will be prioritizing fiscal discipline until all the targets of the Vision 2030 plan were achieved.

  "Between now and 2025, and possibly until 2030, fiscal sustainability is a priority for us. We believe that until we achieve all the targets that Vision 2030 has set, we need to maintain fiscal sustainability and control government expenditure," Al-Jadaan said.

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