
   2021-04-28 互联网讯


核心提示:   据4月27日Neftegaz.RU.报道,埃尼集团已开始从Merakes项目生产天然气,该项目位于印度尼西亚加里曼丹

   据4月27日Neftegaz.RU.报道,埃尼集团已开始从Merakes项目生产天然气,该项目位于印度尼西亚加里曼丹近海East Sepinggan区块。该项目为Kutei盆地近海深水气田开发项目,水深约1500米。



  Merakes生产的天然气通过海底管道输送到Jangkrik FPU。然后,处理后的天然气通过现有的Jangkrik管道输送到Senipah的陆上接收设施。


  埃尼首席执行官Claudio Descalzi表示:“我们为Merakes项目的启动感到非常自豪,该项目与现有设施协同运作,是我们与合作伙伴以及印尼当局富有成果的合作成果。Merakes是埃尼2021年的重点项目之一,该项目将助力天然气产量的增长,这符合我们的战略目标。”

  埃尼集团是East Sepinggan区块的运营商,拥有65%的股份,其合作伙伴包括Neptune Energy East Sepinggan B.V.(20%)、PT Pertamina Hulu Energi(15%)。

  2018年12月11日,East Sepinggan区块的产量分成合同变更为Gross Split PSC,以支持印尼油气投资的效率。

  王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


  Eni has produced 1st gas from the deepwater Merakes field, offshore Indonesia

  Eni has started gas production from the Merakes Project, located in the East Sepinggan block in the Makassar Strait, deep offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

  The Project is a deep-water gas field development at offshore Kutei Basin, with approximately 1,500 m water.

  The 5 deep-water subsea wells will guarantee a production capacity of 450 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), equivalent to 85,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED).

  The field has been connected to the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit (FPU), operated by Eni, at a distance of 45 km from Merakes field, taking advantage of the synergy and optimizing its producing capacity up to 750 MMSCFD together with the gas flowing from the Jangkrik gas

  The gas produced from Merakes is exported through subsea pipelines to the Jangkrik FPU.

  After being processed the gas is exported to the onshore Receiving Facility in Senipah via the existing Jangkrik export pipelines.

  Merakes gas will be partially sold to the domestic market and will also contribute to the extension of the life of the Bontang LNG facility, one of the most reliable LNG processing plants in the world, that supplies LNG to both the domestic and export markets.

  Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi commented:

  We are really proud of the start-up of Merakes, a project which is synergetic with existing operated facilities and is the result of the fruitful collaboration with our partners and with the Indonesian authorities

  Merakes is one of Eni key projects in 2021

  It will support the growth of gas production, in line with Eni strategic goals

  Eni is the operator of East Sepinggan block with an 65% share ownership; the other partners are:

  Neptune Energy East Sepinggan B.V. with 20% share

  PT Pertamina Hulu Energi with the remaining 15% share

  On 11 December 2018, the production sharing contract scheme for the East Sepinggan block was changed into Gross Split PSC to support the efficiency of oil and gas investment in Indonesia.

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