
   2021-05-07 互联网讯


核心提示:   据ICIS-MRC网站5月5日莫斯科报道,据烃加工网信息显示,世界最大能源公司之一雪佛龙(Chevron)第一季



  但随着欧洲竞争对手的业绩超过预期,雪佛龙的盈利出现下滑,由于冬季风暴造成生产损失,利润率下降,以及去年利润受益的资产和税收项目缺失。雪佛龙首席执行官迈克尔沃思(michael wirth)在谈到今年2月袭击德克萨斯州和其他州的气温骤降时表示,业绩较一年前有所下降,部分原因是疫情和冬季风暴Uri持续影响下游边际利润和销量。

  财务总监Pierre Breber表示,冬季的暴风雪造成了3亿美元的产量损失和维修。这造成了二叠纪盆地的产量损失,以及炼油和化工产品的产量损失。美国第二大石油生产商雪佛龙公布第一季度利润为17.2亿美元,合每股90美分,而去年同期为24.5亿美元,合每股1.31美元。去年的业绩包括约6.8亿美元的资产出售和税收优惠项目。


  根据Refinitiv IBES的数据显示,雪佛龙的经营活动产生的现金流为42亿美元,比华尔街估计的低10多亿美元。其债务成本、员工养老金和福利支出增加了一倍多,达到9.78亿美元。RBC欧洲有限公司分析师Biraj Borkhataria表示,现金产出弱于预期,“导致净债务状况略高于预期”,为383亿美元。

  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  Chevron profit fell 29% in Q1

  Chevron's first-quarter profit fell 29% from the same period a year ago as gains from oil and gas prices were undercut by weaker refining margins, production losses and the impact of an asset sale that benefited results last year, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.

  Oil companies are generally enjoying a recovery in energy prices, up at least a third this year, after the pandemic hammered demand at the start of 2020. Chevron and its peers slashed spending, paving the way for several firms to post sharply better results.

  But as European rivals topped forecasts, Chevron's earnings declined on winter storm production losses, weaker margins and the absence of asset and tax items that benefited year-ago profit. "Results were down from a year ago due in part to ongoing downstream margin and volume effects resulting from the pandemic and the impacts of winter storm Uri," Michael Wirth, Chevron's chief executive officer, said, referring to the plunging temperatures that hit Texas and other states in February.

  The winter storm cost USD300 million in lost production and repairs, said finance chief Pierre Breber. "That's lost production in the Permian Basin and lost production in refining and chemicals," he said. Chevron, the second-largest U.S. oil producer, reported a profit of USD1.72 billion, or 90 cents per share, compared with USD2.45 billion, or USD1.31 per share, a year earlier. Year-ago results included about USD680 million in asset sales and favorable tax items.

  Net profit was USD1.4 billion, or 72 cents a share, down from USD3.6 billion, or USD1.93 a share, a year earlier. Shares dipped 2% to USD104.69 in morning trading on Friday.

  Chevron's cash flow from operations, at USD4.2 billion, was more than USD1 billion below Wall Street estimates, according to Refinitiv IBES data. Its expenses for debt costs, employee pensions and benefits more than doubled to USD978 million. Weaker-than-expected cash generation "left a slightly higher net debt position than expected," of $38.3 billion, said analyst Biraj Borkhataria at RBC Europe Limited.

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