全球需求高涨 俄罗斯乌拉尔原油价格飙升

   2021-05-07 互联网讯


核心提示:   据5月6日RT报道,俄罗斯财政部周三表示,4月份国内乌拉尔原油基准均价为每桶62.50美元,较上年同期上



  负责俄罗斯、独联体和波罗的海国家业务发展的副总裁维克托•帕尔诺(Viktor Parno)表示,目前俄罗斯石油价格的上涨也是由于世界石油产品结构的特殊性。他向俄罗斯《今日俄罗斯》解释道,乌拉尔原油的特点是含硫量高,而布伦特原油和美国WTI原油被认为是较轻质的等级。


  王佳晶 摘译自 RT


  High global demand sends Russian Urals crude oil price soaring

  Russia’s Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday that the average price for domestic Urals oil benchmark stood at $62.50 per barrel in April, which is a 340% increase in annual terms.

  According to the ministry, in the first four months of the year the average price for the Russian export oil brand was $60.47 per barrel, compared with the average price of $41.04 per barrel during the same period of 2020.

  Experts say that the price rise was primarily due to the recovery of global demand for fuel and the fulfillment of the terms of the OPEC+ deal.

  The current rise in the price of Russian oil is also due to the peculiarities of its composition, says Viktor Parno, vice president for business development in Russia, CIS and Baltic States. He explained to RT Russia that Urals crude is characterized by a high sulfur content, while Brent and American WTI are considered lighter grades.

  “From time to time, the market situation develops in such a way that medium-heavy varieties become more popular than light ones. In terms of supply volumes, Urals is now the most demanded oil grade in Europe,” Parno said, adding that the main importers in the region are Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and a number of other EU countries.

  According to him, Japan are also among the major buyers of Russian oil.

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