据美国钻井网站2021年5月3日休斯敦报道,美国著名石油企业赫斯公司宣布,赫斯公司日前以3.12亿美元的总价格将其位于北达科他州巴肯页岩远景区的Little Knife和Murphy Creek区块权益出售给了总部位于卡尔加里的加拿大Enerplus公司。
Enerplus公司总裁兼首席执行官Ian C. Dundas在4月8日的声明中表示:“这些资产在战略和运营上都非常适合Enerplus公司,进一步扩大了我们高回报的巴肯盆地钻井库存。把这一级资源加入我们的开发计划中,预计将产生强劲的财务回报,并提高我们的自由现金流增长。关于此次收购,我们强调了未来五年的展望,预计2021年至2025年累计自由现金流为12亿 - 18亿美元(假设WTI每桶价格为50 - 55美元)。”
李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站
Hess Divests Acreage in North Dakota
Hess Corp.has sold its Little Knife and Murphy Creek acreage interests in the Bakken Formation in North Dakota to Enerplus Corp. (TSX: ERF) (NYSE: ERF) for a total consideration of $312 million, Hess reported Friday.
The deal is effective March 1, 2021, Hess noted in a written statement.
“The Bakken is a core asset in our company’s portfolio,” remarked Hess CEO John Hess. “Sale of the Little Knife and Murphy Creek acreage – the majority of which we were not planning to drill before 2026 – brings material value forward and further strengthens our cash and liquidity position.”
When on April 8, 2021, it announced its plan to acquire the 78,700 net acres in Dunn County, N.D., Enerplus pointed out that it would add 110 net tier one undrilled locations (77% operated). Moreover, it stated the additional, largely contiguous Williston Basin acreage will extend its development drilling inventory by two to three years based on tier one conditions.
“These assets are a strong strategic and operational fit for Enerplus, further extending our high-return Bakken drilling inventory,” Enerplus President and CEO Ian C. Dundas remarked in the April 8 statement. “The addition of this tier one resource into our development plan is expected to generate strong financial returns and enhance our free cash flow growth. In connection with the acquisition, we have highlighted a five-year outlook with projected cumulative free cash flow of between $1.2 to $1.8 billion between 2021 and 2025, assuming US$50 to $55 per barrel WTI.”