
   2021-05-07 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工新闻5月5日消息称,多边发展金融机构阿拉伯石油投资公司(APICORP)在其《2021-2025年中东和




  APICORP首席执行官Ahmed Ali Attiga博士说:“ APICORP的《2021-2025年中东和北非地区能源投资展望》表明,随着大多数中东和北非地区国家在2021年恢复GDP增长,能源转型没有放缓的迹象,能源行业在投资方面正进入一个相对稳定的时期。我们预计,在公共部门持续投资和需求上升的支持下,能源行业将从新冠肺炎大流行的影响中缓慢而稳定地复苏。”




  朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


  APICORP: MENA energy investments to exceed US$805 billion over next five years

  The Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP), a multilateral development financial institution, estimates in its MENA Energy Investment Outlook 2021-2025, that overall planned and committed investments in the MENA region will exceed US$805 billion over the next five years (2021–2025) – a US$13 billion increase from the US$792 billion estimate in last year’s five-year outlook.

  The report attributes this modest rise to several factors: A strong confidence in the rebound of global GDP, rising energy demand, and the accelerated pace of renewables in the region. Per current estimates, MENA will add 3GW of installed solar power capacity in 2021 alone – double that of 2020 – and 20GW over the next five years.

  The region’s economic forecasts suggest that commodity prices and exports will drive the rebound expected for most MENA countries in 2021.

  Dr. Ahmed Ali Attiga, Chief Executive Officer of APICORP, said: “APICORP’s MENA Energy Investment Outlook 2021-2025 indicates that energy industries are entering a period of relative stability in terms of investments as most MENA countries return to GDP growth in 2021 and the energy transition showing no signs of slowing down. We anticipate a slow but steady recovery of the energy sector from the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, supported by continued investment from the public sector and an upswing in demand.”

  Committed gas investments in MENA for the period 2021-2025 are expected to total US$75 billion – US$9.5 billion less than the previous outlook. The decline is attributed to the completion of several megaprojects in 2020 and countries being more cautious to new project commitments in an era of gas overcapacity.

  Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq are the top three MENA countries in terms of committed gas investments.

  Planned investments meanwhile held relatively steady at US$133 billion for 2021-2025, signalling the region’s appetite for resuming its natural gas capacity build-up – particularly the ambitious unconventional gas developments in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and Algeria – once macro conditions improve.

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