
   2021-05-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据安迅思德国卡尔斯鲁厄5月6日消息,由于碳排放补贴减少和价格上涨,2021年在欧盟限额与交易体系下的


  2020年欧洲化学品行业的碳排放量占欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)中碳总排放量的8%。为了保护其免受高成本和来自非欧盟生产商的竞争,该行业获得了大部分免费碳排放补贴,限制了化学品生产商在该框架内积极进行碳排放交易的需要。

  2018年EU ETS改革后,立法者大幅收紧了该体系,欧洲碳排放价格开始大幅上涨。总体而言,欧洲化工行业的支出大幅增加,2020年达到6亿欧元左右。

  2021年EU ETS第四贸易期开始,这也标志着欧洲所有工业部门免费分配的碳排放额度发生了重大变化。在2021-2025年期间,欧洲化学品行业所分配的免费碳排放额度基数将下调最高达24%,这也意味着2021年欧洲化学品行业所获得的免费碳排放额度将比2020年大幅减少,这将导致欧洲化学品生产商所面临的碳账单大幅增加。

  张春晓 摘译自 ICIS


  European chemicals industry faces 1.5bn carbon bill

  In 2021, EU chemicals producers under the EU’s cap and trade system could face a carbon bill of 1.5bn - more than double the 600m charged last year - due to a fall in the amount of free handouts and a rise in the price of emission allowances.

  Europe's chemicals industry accounted for 8% of emissions covered in the EU’s emission trading system (EU ETS) in 2020. To protect it from high costs and competition from non-EU producers, the industry received most of its allowances for free, limiting the need to actively trade within the scheme.

  Following a reform of the EU ETS in 2018, lawmakers tightened the system significantly and European carbon prices started to rise significantly. Overall, the bill for the chemical sector has increased drastically to hit around 600m in 2020.

  The start of the fourth trading period of the EU ETS in 2021 also marked a significant change in how many allowances are allocated for free to all industrial sectors. With a significant downward revision of the chemicals industry benchmarks of up to -24% for the 2021-2025 free allocation period, ICIS expects the number of free allowances to significantly decline from 2020 to 2021 resulting in the short position of the sector to further increase to.

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