
   2021-05-14 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网5月13日报道,澳大利亚能源部长安格斯·泰勒(Angus Taylor)周四表示,澳大利亚将电厂的绿

   据能源世界网5月13日报道,澳大利亚能源部长安格斯·泰勒(Angus Taylor)周四表示,澳大利亚将电厂的绿色氢和氨视为近期发展清洁氢工业的最大机遇,以减少碳排放。




  澳大利亚可再生能源署(Australian Renewable Energy Agency)本月向挪威的亚拉国际公司(Yara International SA)和法国的恩吉公司(Engie SA)提供了4250万澳元的赠款,用于建造一座生产绿色氨的可再生氢工厂,这是迄今为止该机构在绿色氨方面最大的一笔赌注。



  在国内方面,周二公布的2021-22年度预算拨款2500万澳元,用于帮助新的燃气发电机做好氢气发电的准备,并拨款3000万澳元,用于矿业亿万富翁安德鲁•福里斯特(Andrew Forrest)计划建设的一座燃气电厂,该电厂也将可转换为氢气。


  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  Australia chases green ammonia for power in near-term hydrogen push

  Australia sees green hydrogen and ammonia for power plants as the biggest near term opportunity for developing a clean hydrogen industry in the drive to cut carbon emissions, Energy Minister Angus Taylor said on Thursday.

  Australia's national hydrogen strategy aims to place it among the top three hydrogen exporters to the Asian region by 2030. In the near term, green ammonia offers the quickest path, Taylor said.

  "We think scaling up industry, particularly in a small market like Australia, combining both domestic opportunity and export opportunities is absolutely crucial," Taylor said in an interview for the Reuters Events: Hydrogen 2021 conference.

  "But actually the really immediate opportunity we see is feeding hydrogen and ammonia into existing generators. This is a very, very big early opportunity."

  Green ammonia would be produced from hydrogen made from renewable energy powering electrolysers to split water.

  In its biggest bet so far on green ammonia, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency this month awarded a A$42.5 million grant to Norway's Yara International SA and France's Engie SA to build a renewable hydrogen plant to make green ammonia.

  Due to be completed in 2023 with a 10 megawatt (MW) electrolyser, the plant would be one of the world's first industrial-scale renewable hydrogen production operations, Yara said.

  Australia's green ammonia push comes as Japan aims to use 3 million tonnes of ammonia each year by 2030, to help cut carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants.

  On the domestic front, the 2021-22 budget released on Tuesday, allocates A$25 million to help new gas-fired generators become ready to run on hydrogen, and A$30 million for a gas-fired plant planned by mining billionaire Andrew Forrest, which will also be convertible to hydrogen.

  "Whether it's ammonia into existing coal-fired generators or hydrogen into existing gas generators, which is the way I see the industry moving, this is a really important pathway we are working with now," Taylor said.

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