
   2021-05-27 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工新闻5月19日消息称,吉宝数据中心、川崎重工、林德天然气新加坡私人有限公司(Linde)、三井物





  吉宝数据中心首席执行官Wong Wai Meng说:“与吉宝的2030年愿景一致,该愿景将可持续发展作为集团战略的核心,吉宝数据中心正在努力使我们的运营脱碳。我们正在积极利用吉宝集团的能力,并与行业伙伴合作,探索一系列绿色解决方案,如氢气、浮动数据中心和CCUS(碳捕获、利用和封存)技术。有了这份谅解备忘录,我们在使用可持续能源发电的道路上又迈出了一步。”

  川崎重工氢战略部门的执行总裁兼副总经理Motohiko Nishimura博士说:“川崎重工正在全球首次推动LH2供应链试点示范项目。我们在LH2技术方面积累了丰富的经验和专业知识,包括世界上第一艘LH2运输船、氢液化设施、LH2储罐和带装载臂系统的LH2装卸设施。”

  朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


  Development of liquefied hydrogen supply infrastructure explored for Keppel

  Keppel Data Centres Holdings Pte Ltd (Keppel Data Centres), Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd (Kawasaki), Linde Gas Singapore Pte Ltd (Linde), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd (MOL) and Vopak LNG Holding B.V (Vopak LNG) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly explore the concept development of a supply infrastructure to bring liquefied hydrogen (LH2) into Singapore to power Keppel’s data centres.

  Under the MOU, the five industry partners will jointly study the technical and commercial viability of a LH2 supply chain, including the feasibility of having a production and liquefaction plant and export terminal at the exporting country, transportation via ocean-going tankers, as well as an import terminal, storage units and regasification facilities in Singapore. The study is expected to continue till the end of 2021. At that juncture, the partners will decide on the next phase of their collaboration.

  The partners envision that the LH2 supply infrastructure will benefit data centre facilities such as the floating data centre park project in Singapore that Keppel Data Centres is currently pursuing.

  There is growing interest worldwide in the use of hydrogen as an energy source because its combustion does not emit carbon dioxide. In its liquid state, hydrogen occupies 800 times less volume compared to its gaseous state, allowing for more compact and efficient storage and transportation. As such, LH2 is gaining traction as a compelling clean energy alternative for land-scarce markets.

  Mr Wong Wai Meng, CEO of Keppel Data Centres, said: “In line with Keppel’s Vision 2030, which puts sustainability at the heart of the Group’s strategy, Keppel Data Centres is working hard to decarbonise our operations. We are actively tapping the capabilities of the Keppel Group as well as working with industry partners to explore a range of green solutions such as hydrogen, floating data centres and CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation and sequestration) technologies. With this MOU, we take another step in our journey to use sustainable energy sources for power generation.”

  Dr Motohiko Nishimura, the Executive Officer and Deputy General Manager of Hydrogen Strategy Division of Kawasaki, said: “Kawasaki is promoting a LH2 supply chain pilot demonstration project for the first time in the world. We have accumulated experience and expertise in LH2 technology, including the world’s first LH2 carrier, hydrogen liquefaction facility, LH2 storage tank and LH2 handling facility with loading arm system.”

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