
   2021-06-01 互联网讯





道达尔液化天然气高级副总裁Thomas Maurisse说:“我们很高兴与AMNS合作,并为印度不断增长的工业液化天然气需求提供供应,印度的目标是到2030年天然气在其能源结构中的份额比现在增加一倍以上。液化天然气的供应将有助于减少AMNS的碳排放,符合道达尔为客户提供二氧化碳排放较少的能源产品的雄心,并支持他们自己的低碳战略。”



朱佳妮 摘译自 天然气资讯


Total to supply LNG to ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel

Total and ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel (AMNS) have signed an agreement for the supply of up to 500 000 tpy of LNG until 2026.

The LNG will be sourced from Total’s global portfolio and offloaded either in Dahej or Hazira LNG Terminal, on the West Coast of India. AMNS will use the LNG to run its steel and power plants located in Hazira, Gujarat state, India.

“We are pleased to partner with AMNS and to supply the growing industrial LNG demand in India, a country that aims to more than double the share of natural gas in its energy mix by 2030 compared to today,” said Thomas Maurisse, Senior Vice President LNG at Total. “The supply of LNG will contribute to the reduction of AMNS’s carbon emissions, in line with Total’s ambition to offer its customers energy products that emit less CO2 and to support them in their own low-carbon strategies.”

This agreement strengthens Total’s relationship with AMNS and contributes to the decarbonisation of India’s steel industry, which still relies heavily on coal.

Total is the world's second largest privately owned LNG player, with a global portfolio of nearly 50 million tpy by 2025 and a global market share of around 10%. Thanks to its interests in liquefaction plants in Angola, Australia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the US, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Russia, and Qatar, the company markets LNG on all world markets. Total also benefits from strong and diversified positions throughout the LNG value chain, including gas production, LNG transportation, LNG trading, and some recent development in the LNG industry for maritime transport.


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