
   2021-06-01 互联网讯


核心提示:   据阿拉伯贸易网2021年5月19日迪拜报道,根据著名市场研究和咨询公司Future Market Insights(FMI)的

   据阿拉伯贸易网2021年5月19日迪拜报道,根据著名市场研究和咨询公司Future Market Insights(FMI)的一份最新研究报告,未来10年,全球氧化镁市场将稳健增长,到2031年前的复合年增长率将达到5%。

  这家得到 欧洲意向考察和市场研究协会Esomar认证的咨询公司在这份研究报告中表示,不断增加的研究和开发活动是推动全球氧化镁市场发展的关键因素之一。





  李峻 编译自 阿拉伯贸易网


  Global magnesium oxide market set for solid growth by 2031

  Global magnesium oxide market is set for solid growth over the next 10 years with a CAGR of 5 per cent by 2031, according to a report by consulting firm Future Market Insights.

  Increasing research and development activities conducted to study application of dead burned magnesia and fused magnesia is one of the key factors driving the market, stated the Esomar-certified consulting firm in this study.

  According to FMI experts, surging government investment in agricultural and industrial sector will boost the market. Rising demand of magnesium oxide in development of refractory linings of furnace in iron and steel industry will positively influence the market growth, they added.

  As per the European Commission (EC) data, 1.3% to the European Union (EU)-27's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was contributed by agriculture. With soaring industrialization and development in the field of agriculture, high growth in magnesium oxide market is on the card.

  "High acid neutralizing capabilities of magnesium oxide has made it popular as lime alternative in waste treatment facilities, thus elevating the magnesium market growth", said a FMI analyst.

  The US is the dominant market for magnesium oxide in North America. Growth in the US will be driven by rising adoption of magnesium oxide in biomedical applications and rapid advancement in manufacturing sector and industrial infrastructure, he added.

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