亚洲市场套利关闭 美国6月或取消7-10船LPG货物

   2021-06-01 互联网讯


核心提示:   据天然气新闻2021年5月20日新加坡报道,贸易和航运消息人士称,尽管中东地区供应状况良好满足了本地区


  “Netbacks US/East已经关闭,因此许多方很难以这样的水平敲定发货,”一名航运消息人士如是说。




  另一位消息人士称,6月的套利约为每吨113- 110美元,目前休斯敦-日本的运费在每吨90美元左右,它没有留下多少终端费。

  李峻 编译自 天然气新闻


  US LPG cancellations could reach 7-10 cargoes in June as Asia arbitrage shuts

  about seven Eastbound LPG cargoes due to load in June from the US are canceled as the arbitrage is shut due to softening Asian prices and firm Very Large Gas Carrier rates, even as healthy Middle East supplies satisfy demand in this region, trade and shipping sources said.

  "Netbacks US/East have been closed, hence it's tough for many parties to conclude shipping at these levels," a shipping source said.

  "It's a bit strange market, as freight has been going up ex-US in June at the same time as netbacks are not in favor. We see about 16-17 fixtures done in June so far ex-US and there should at least be 10 more [fixtures], so I wonder if more cancellations will come or not. Shipping looks quite tight for June ex US."

  June-loading US cargoes due to arrive in Asia in July are estimated at 2.3 million mt. US May-loading cargoes due to arrive in Asia in June were estimated at 2 million mt, trade sources said.

  VLGC rates on the Houston-Japan route rose to $95/mt May 19, the highest since hitting $107/mt Jan. 26, data showed.

  Another source said the arbitrage for June is about $113-$110/mt and with current Houston-Japan freight in the mid-$90s/mt, it did not leave much for terminal fees.

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