
   2021-06-01 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界石油网5月20日消息 壳牌石油公司已与马兰帕亚能源XP Pte有限公司(Udenna Corporation子公司)

   据世界石油网5月20日消息 壳牌石油公司已与马兰帕亚能源XP Pte有限公司(Udenna Corporation子公司)签署协议,出售其在壳牌菲律宾勘探有限公司(SPEX)的100%股权。SPEX持有38号服务合同(SC38)45%的运营权益,其中包括生产马兰帕亚气田。出售的基本对价为3.8亿美元,2022年至2024年期间,根据资产表现和商品价格,额外支付高达8000万美元。根据合作伙伴和监管机构的同意,该交易计划于2021年底完成。

  壳牌上游主管Wael Sawan说:“自从2002年开始商业运营以来,马兰帕亚已经提供了菲律宾能源需求的很大一部分,在资产和经验丰富的劳动力安全过渡之后,它将继续用本土天然气为菲律宾供电。今天的声明与壳牌努力将我们的上游投资组合转向专注于9个核心头寸的投资组合是一致的。”



  吴恒磊 编译自 世界石油


  Shell inks $380 million deal for its Malampaya, Philippines gas field

  Shell Petroleum N.V. has signed an agreement with Malampaya Energy XP Pte Ltd (a subsidiary of Udenna Corporation), for the sale of its 100% shareholding in Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. (SPEX). SPEX holds a 45% operating interest in Service Contract 38 (SC38), which includes the producing Malampaya gas field. The base consideration for the sale is US$380 million, with additional payments of up to US$80 million between 2022 to 2024 contingent on asset performance and commodity prices. Subject to partner and regulatory consent, the transaction is targeted to complete by the end of 2021.

  “Since it began commercial operations in 2002, Malampaya has supplied a significant portion of the Philippines’ energy demand and it will continue powering the country with indigenous gas following a safe transition of the asset and its experienced workforce,” said Wael Sawan, Shell’s Upstream Director. “Today’s announcement is consistent with Shell’s efforts to shift our Upstream portfolio to one that is focused on nine core positions.”

  SPEX staff will continue their employment under the new ownership, providing continuity and contributing to ongoing operational reliability and safety. Malampaya and its staff have made significant contributions to the Philippines and to the local community over the past two decades and are expected to continue playing an important role in providing energy for the Philippines.

  This deal has no impact on other Shell businesses in country. The Philippines remains an important country for Shell after over a century of successful operations. Shell will continue to pursue opportunities in the Philippines where it can leverage its global expertise in line with its strategy.

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