
   2021-06-02 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界天然气网5月25日消息 未来10年,海上能源劳动力结构将发生重大变化,预计脱碳能源的角色将从该

   据世界天然气网5月25日消息 未来10年,海上能源劳动力结构将发生重大变化,预计脱碳能源的角色将从该行业所有工作岗位的20%增加到65%。






  吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


  Majority of UK offshore workforce transitioning to low carbon energy by 2030

  The offshore energy workforce mix will change significantly in the next 10 years, with roles in decarbonised energies projected to increase from 20 to 65 per cent of all jobs in the sector.

  According to new research from Robert Gordon University (RGU), over 90 per cent of the UK’s oil and gas workforce have medium to high skills transferability and are well-positioned to work in adjacent energy sectors like offshore wind, carbon capture utilization and storage, and hydrogen.

  With over $241 billion in investments to be made in capital and operating activities in the UK offshore energy sector over the next ten years, around 200,000 skilled people are expected to be required in the UK offshore energy industry to ensure delivery in 2030.

  As stated in the UK Offshore Energy Workforce Transferability Review by RGU, around 80 per cent of the jobs in 2030 are envisaged to be in nine key job families – operations, technicians, engineering, projects, commercial/business development/marketing, procurement/supply chain management, finance, HR, and HSE. Soft skills and other non-technical skills are generally highly transferable to adjacent energy sectors

  Around 100,000 of the jobs in 2030 are projected to be filled by people transferring from existing oil and gas jobs to offshore renewable roles, new graduates, and new recruitment from outside the existing UK offshore energy sector.

  Currently, around 160,000 people directly and indirectly employed in the UK offshore energy sector in 2021. To underpin the developing offshore wind, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage as well as the vital ongoing oil and gas activities in the UK that number must increase by at least 40,000.

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