
   2021-06-02 互联网讯


核心提示:   据全球能源5月25日消息称,道达尔与默克公司(MSD)签署了一项为期10年的重要可再生能源的公司购电协





  朱佳妮 摘译自 全球能源


  Total Signs a 45 MW Renewable Corporate Power Purchase Agreement With Merck

  Total and MSD, known as Merck & Co. signed a major renewable corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) over a period of 10 years, with 90 GWh a year of clean energy produced by a 45 MW utility-scale solar power projects from Total’s portfolio in Spain, Castilla La Mancha region.

  As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, together with society, Total actively supports its customers and partners in their efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of their activities through their energy transition.

  With a strong expertise in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects, Total was chosen as a trusted partner to contribute to MSD’s ambition to source 100% of its purchased electricity with renewables.

  As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, Total is building a portfolio of activities in renewables and electricity that should account for up to 40% of its sales by 2050. At the end of 2020, Total's gross power generation capacity worldwide was around 12 GW, including 7 GW of renewable energy. Total will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW of gross production capacity from renewable sources by 2025, and then 100 GW by 2030 with the objective of being among the world's top 5 in renewable energies.​

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