尼日利亚将OML 118深水区许可证续期20年

   2021-06-04 互联网讯


核心提示:     据《能源年》网5月26日报道,日前,尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)与壳牌、埃克森美孚、道达尔和埃

     据《能源年》网5月26日报道,日前,尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)与壳牌、埃克森美孚、道达尔和埃尼的子公司签署了一项协议,将OML 118深水区许可证续期20年。



    NOC的OML 118合作伙伴包括壳牌尼日利亚勘探和生产公司(Snepco)、道达尔尼日利亚勘探和生产公司(Total E&P Nigeria)、埃索( Esso)尼日利亚勘探和生产公司和尼日利亚Agip勘探公司。


    郝芬 译自 《能源年》


    Nigerian partners sign 20-year deepwater deal

    The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has signed a deal with subsidiaries of Shell, ExxonMobil, Total and Eni to renew the OML 118 deepwater licence for 20 years.

    The series of agreements signed between the partners are poised to unlock USD 10 billion of investment, NNPC group managing director Malam Mele Kyari was quoted as saying in a statement released by the NOC on Tuesday.

    With the new agreements, the partners put an end to “long-standing disputes over the interpretation of the fiscal terms of the production-sharing contracts,” the statement said.

    The NOC’s OML 118 partners include Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (Snepco), Total E&P Nigeria, Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria and Nigerian Agip Exploration.

    Five agreements were signed, including the Dispute Settlement Agreement, Settlement Agreement, Historical Gas Agreement, Escrow Agreement and Renewed PSC Agreement.

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