
   2021-06-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据安迅思6月1日消息称,据《商业日报》报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司已同意以4.6亿美元出售其在菲律宾一个海


  壳牌将其在服务合同38 (SC38)中45%的股份出售给Udenna集团的子公司,后者已经持有该项目45%的股份。SC38是一项深水许可证,包括Malampaya气田的生产。

  壳牌在一份声明中表示,此次出售的基本对价为 3.8 亿美元,在 2022 年至 2024 年期间,根据资产表现和商品价格,将额外支付高达 8000 万美元。


  壳牌石油和天然气生产主管Wael Sawan表示,该交易“与壳牌将上游业务组合转向专注于9个核心业务的努力一致”。


  上周,壳牌同意以5.96亿美元的价格将其在德克萨斯州炼油厂的控股权出售给合作伙伴墨西哥石油公司(Pemex)。5月初,壳牌宣布将其位于华盛顿的14.9万桶/天的炼油厂出售给Hollyfrontier Corp。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思


  Shell sells its stake in Philippine gas field in line with its strategy to narrow oil and gas operations

  Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to sell its stake in an offshore gas field in the Philippines for USD460m as part of its strategy to narrow its oil and gas operations, according to BusinessDay.

  Shell sold its 45% stake in Service Contract 38 (SC38), a deep-water licence that includes the producing Malampaya gas field, to a subsidiary of the Udenna Group, which already holds a 45% stake in the project.

  The base consideration for the sale is USD380m, with additional payments of up to USD80m between 2022 and 2024 contingent on asset performance and commodity prices, Shell said in a statement.

  The deal is due to be completed by the end of 2021.

  Wael Sawan, Shell’s head of oil and gas production, said the deal “is consistent with Shell’s efforts to shift our upstream portfolio to one that is focused on nine core positions.”

  As MRC informed previously, Shell is shrinking its refining and chemicals portfolio as part of a broader shift by oil majors to reduce hydrocarbon emissions and shift to lower-carbon fuels.

  Last week, Shell agreed to sell its controlling interest in a Texas refinery to partner Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) for about USD596 million. And in early May, Shell announced the sale of its 149,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery in Washington to Hollyfrontier Corp.

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