
   2021-06-08 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工在线5月28日消息,雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司位于美国德克萨斯州Old Ocean的新建世界级规模1-己

   据烃加工在线5月28日消息,雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司位于美国德克萨斯州Old Ocean的新建世界级规模1-己烯装置项目已经破土动工,该装置位于公司Sweeny工厂附近。该装置设计产能为26.6万吨/年,建成投产后将令雪佛龙菲利浦斯化学公司在美国的1-己烯产能达到65万吨/年,满足客户不断增长的需求。1-己烯是生产高性能塑料产品的关键原料。


  雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司负责聚合物和专用化学品业务的执行副总裁Mitch Eichelberger表示:“新建装置将提供额外的灵活性和产量,以满足不断增长的客户预期需求,同时为未来的增长奠定了坚实的基础。该新建项目也将作为促进本地经济发展的催化剂,创造就业机会。我们非常自豪能成为这个社区的一员,并期待着将这个项目变为现实。”

  雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司表示,位于Old Ocean的新建1-己烯装置项目将在基础设施、原料可获得性和运营专长方面享有显著优势。它还将受益于最新的技术进步,以实现能源和排放效率的提高。一旦投入使用,将进一步巩固公司作为领先的1-己烯供应商的地位。雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司已经在德克萨斯州贝城的Cedar Bayou工厂运营着世界上最大的1-己烯装置和两套全系列α-烯烃装置。

  张春晓 摘译自 烃加工在线


  Chevron Phillips Chemical breaks ground on world-scale 1-hexene unit

  Chevron Phillips Chemical broke ground on a new world-scale unit for on-purpose 1-hexene in Old Ocean, Texas, near its Sweeny facility. With a capacity of 266 KTA, the new asset grows the company’s total U.S. 1-hexene capacity to 650 KTA at a time of rising customer demand. 1-hexene is central to manufacturing high-performance plastic products.

  The project will harness Chevron Phillips Chemical’s proprietary, on-purpose 1-hexene technology, which produces exceptional purity comonomer grade 1-hexene from ethylene. Construction is expected to commence during the third quarter of 2021, with project startup in 2023, and is expected to involve 600 construction jobs at its peak. once operational, the project will support more than 50 full-time positions.

  “The new unit will provide additional flexibility and production to meet anticipated demand from our growing customer base, while establishing a strong foundation for future growth,” said Mitch Eichelberger, executive vice president of polymers and specialities. “This new asset will also serve as a catalyst to advance the local economy as a source of job creation. We are very proud to be part of this community and look forward to bringing this project to life.”

  The new 1-hexene unit in Old Ocean will enjoy significant advantages in infrastructure, feedstock availability and operational expertise. It will also benefit from the latest technology advances to achieve energy and emissions efficiency improvements. once operational, it will further the company’s position as a leading 1-hexene supplier. Chevron Phillips Chemical already operates the world’s largest on-purpose 1-hexene unit and two full-range alpha-olefin units at its Cedar Bayou plant in Baytown, Texas.

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