
   2021-06-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网6月2日消息,国际能源署(IEA)在其《2021年世界能源投资报告》中称,今年全球能源投资预计将较





  预计今年还将在清洁能源技术和效率方面投资约 7400 亿美元。IEA指出,这一数字“仍然远远低于气候驱动的情况下的需求。”到本世纪20年代,清洁能源投资需要增加一倍,才能将气温上升幅度控制在2摄氏度以下;要想保持1.5摄氏度的稳定,清洁能源投资需要增加两倍以上。”


  裘寅 编译自 油价网


  IEA: Global Energy Investment To Rise To $1.9 Trillion In 2021

  Global energy investment this year is seen expanding by 10 percent from 2020 to $1.9 trillion, the International Energy Agency said in its World Energy Investment 2021 report.

  Energy demand is also on the rebound, and it is a strong one, with the IEA expecting it to expand by 4.6 percent this year, more than making up for the 4-percent contraction of last year.

  Investments in the power sector are set for a 5-percent increase this year, with renewables unsurprisingly taking the biggest share. These will account for 70 percent of 2021 investments in the power sector, or $530 billion out of a total $820 billion in power sector investments. The rest will be investments in energy storage and the grid.

  Investments in oil and gas exploration and production are set to rise by 10 percent this year, driven by recovering demand and the resulting higher oil and gas prices. Yet, the IEA notes, spending will remain below pre-pandemic levels this year.

  Some $740 billion is expected to be invested in clean energy technologies and efficiency this year as well. The IEA has noted that this amount still “remains far below what is required in climate-driven scenarios. Clean energy investment would need to double in the 2020s to maintain temperatures well below a 2°C rise and more than triple in order to keep the door open for a 1.5°C stabilisation.”

  The amount invested in energy will vary significantly across countries, the IEA also noted. While developed economies have recovered relatively quickly from the pandemic, emerging economies are lagging behind. They also have fewer resources available to invest in energy.

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