
   2021-06-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网6月2日消息称,据当地媒体报道,尼日利亚国家石油公司称,由于汽油价格的波动,尼日利亚今年3



  报告称,3 月份原油出口总量为 6667 万桶,而当月出口量为 76.2 亿桶。NNPC 指出,在报告月份,它一直坚持欧佩克+ 152 万桶/日的产量配额。


  据NNPC表示,该协议将为尼日利亚石油行业带来高达100亿美元的新投资。这也可能使该国的石油产量增加15万桶/天,使区块(Oil Mining Lease 118)的总产量增至35万桶/天。

  这个非洲最大的石油生产国的石油和天然气工业占国内生产总值的十分之一,石油出口收入占出口总收入的86%。政府计划在未来五年内启动多达 100 个新的油气项目,其中 包括25 个上游油气项目。

  曹海斌 摘译自 油价网


  Nigeria’s Oil Revenues Slump 98% In April

  Nigeria’s crude oil export revenues slumped by as much as 98 percent from March to April this year because of movements in the price of gasoline, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation said, as quoted by local media.

  The April revenues from oil exports stood at $1.764 million (723 million naira), according to the NNPC, versus $87.14 million (35.72 billion naira) for March.

  Exports of crude in March totaled 66.67 million barrels, out of 7.62 billion barrels lifted during the month, according to the report. The NNPC noted it had stuck to its OPEC+ production quota of 1.52 million bpd during the reporting month.

  Despite the OPEC+ agreement, Nigeria is looking to boost its oil production over the long term. Earlier this month, it took a big step in that direction when it inked a deal with Shell, Exxon, Total, and Eni to develop an offshore oil block that includes the deepwater Bonga field.

  According to the NNPC, the deal could unlock up to $10 billion in new investments in Nigeria’s oil industry. It could also add 150,000 bpd to the country’s oil production, bringing the total output from the block—Oil Mining Lease 118—to 350,000 bpd.

  The oil and gas industry in Africa’s largest oil producer accounts for a tenth of gross domestic product, with oil export revenues accounting for as much as 86 percent of total export revenues. The government has plans for the launch of as many as 100 new oil and gas projects over the next five years, of which 25 upstream oil and gas projects.

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