IEA:若欧佩克坚持原计划 油价将面临“上行压力”

   2021-06-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据原油新闻2021年6月1日巴黎报道,国际能源署(IEA)署长法提赫·比罗尔6月1日警告说,全球油价将面临进


  欧佩克+石油部长们不日将召开会议,权衡他们目前的政策,即在5 - 7月期间将石油日产量增加210万桶。目前油价接近71美元/桶的3个月高点,这是受今年夏天多数国家解除疫情封锁导致全球石油需求激增的迹象推动的。



  李峻 编译自 原油新闻


  IEA's Birol's warns of 'upward pressure' on oil prices if OPEC sticks to output plan

  Global oil prices will face further upward pressure unless OPEC and its oil producer allies agree to return more crude to the markets in the coming months to meet a strong demand rebound, according to the head of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol.

  OPEC+ ministers are meeting June 1 to weigh their current policy of raising production by a combined 2.1 million b/d over the May-July period. The move comes as oil prices trade near a three-month high of $71/b, fueled by signs of a surge in global oil demand this summer as most countries lift pandemic lockdowns.

  "Over the next six months, I see very clearly that there is a strong recovery of oil demand in the US, Europe and elsewhere and if OPEC+ stick to their current policies we may see a wider gap between supply and demand,"

  Birol told Bloomberg in an June 1 interview.

  "In the absence of not changing the policies with the strong growth coming...we'll see a widening gap which in turn would put further upward pressure on the prices," he said.

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