
   2021-06-11 互联网讯


核心提示:   据OE网站6月2日报道,近日,油田服务和技术公司斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)宣布,将为马来西亚石油天然




  斯伦贝谢数字与集成总裁Rajeev Sonthalia表示,数字化转型的战略方法、OSDU数据平台的采用以及DELFI环境使马来西亚国家石油公司成为数字行业的领导者,我们很自豪能在这一过程中支持他们。通过共同努力,我们将释放对数据的访问权,并将尖端人工智能集成到火焰技术工作流程中,以优化油田开发资源,提高效率,并大大改善投资决策。

  斯伦贝谢表示,这项企业级协议是在马来西亚国家石油公司的 LiveFDP 计划部署之后实施的,该计划利用了 DELFI Petrotechnical Suite(斯伦贝谢为火焰技术工作流程提供的数字解决方案集合)和 FDPlan灵活油田开发规划解决方案。


  郝芬 译自 OE


  Petronas Speeds Up Field Development Planning with Schlumberger's Software

  Oilfield services and technology company Schlumberger has announced an enterprise-scale deployment of advanced digital solutions for the Malaysian oil and gas giant Petronas, to speed up the oil firm's field development planning.

  According to Schlumberger, the deployment has been enabled by its DELFI cognitive E&P environment and integrated with the OSDU Data Platform.

  "These digital solutions will enable Petronas to accelerate its field development planning and optimize production performance of its assets," Schlumberger

  "The strategic approach to digital transformation, the adoption of the OSDU Data Platform, and the DELFI environment position Petronas among the digital leaders of the industry, and we are proud to be supporting them in this journey,” said Rajeev Sonthalia, president of Digital & Integration, Schlumberger. “Working together, we will liberate access to data and integrate cutting-edge AI into pyrotechnical workflows to optimize field development resources, increase efficiency and vastly improve investment decision making.”

  This enterprise-scale agreement follows the deployment of Petronas’ LiveFDP program in Malaysia, which leveraged the DELFI Petrotechnical Suite—Schlumberger’s collection of digital solutions for pyrotechnical workflows—and the FDPlan agile field development planning solution, Schlumberger said.

  "Through this deployment, Petronas’ teams were able to rapidly generate competitive development scenarios across multiple data and functional domains," the company added.

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