
   2021-06-15 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界天然气网站6月4日消息 法国一座海上制氢厂计划明年投产,该厂由一台浮式风力涡轮机提供电力。 

   据世界天然气网站6月4日消息 法国一座海上制氢厂计划明年投产,该厂由一台浮式风力涡轮机提供电力。

  制氢系统将安装在法国Le Croisic海岸外的SEM-REV示范点,并与Floatgen风力涡轮机相连。据Centrale Nantes称,这将是世界上第一个投入运行的海上绿色制氢设施。

  该项目将由法国可再生氢项目开发商Lhyfe与Chantiers de l’Atlantique合作建立,后者将在SEM-REV GEPS Techno浮式平台上安装电解槽,并将其连接至各种海洋可再生能源,包括Floatgen。

  王磊 摘译自 世界天然气


  World’s first offshore green hydrogen plant to go online in France

  An offshore hydrogen production plant powered by electricity from a floating wind turbine is scheduled to be put into operation next year in France.

  The hydrogen production system will be installed at the SEM-REV demonstration site off the coast of Le Croisic in France, where it will be linked with the Floatgen wind turbine. According to Centrale Nantes, this will be the world’s first offshore green hydrogen production facility to go into operation.

  The project will be set up by French renewable hydrogen project developer Lhyfe, in collaboration with Chantiers de l’Atlantique, who will install the electrolyser on GEPS Techno’s floating platform at the SEM-REV site and connect it to various marine renewable energy sources, including Floatgen.

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