
   2021-06-15 互联网讯


核心提示:   据OE网站6月7日报道,6月4日,位于苏格兰马里湾(Moray Firth)的马里东(Moray East)海上风力发电场通过

   据OE网站6月7日报道,6月4日,位于苏格兰马里湾(Moray Firth)的马里东(Moray East)海上风力发电场通过阿伯丁郡New Deer南部的新变电站,首次向国家电网输出电力。

  950MW风电场由Moray海上风电场东部有限公司(MOWEL)开发,该公司是Ocean Winds(56.6%)、Diamond Green有限公司(33.4%)和CTG(10%)的合资公司。

  苏格兰最大的海上风电场尚未完全建成,预计将于今年晚些时候完工。 项目规划使发电能够在 6 月 4 日开始——在所有涡轮机安装之前。

  Ocean Winds是EDP可再生能源公司(EDPR)和ENGIE的合资公司,双方各占一半股权。自从EDPR公司2009年在英国第三轮海上风电租赁中获得了在马里湾开发海上风电的权利以来,Ocean Winds一直在开发马里湾的海上风电。

  当时Crown Estate提供的海床被分为两部分——马里东部和马里西部,以允许首先进行限制较少的马里东部开发。第一批100台V164–9.5MW MHI Vestas海上风力涡轮机于今年1月安装在马里东部。

  郝芬 译自 OE


  Scotland’s Biggest Offshore Wind Farm Exports First Power

  Moray East offshore wind farm in the Moray Firth, Scotland, on June 4 exported its first power to the national grid via its new substation south of New Deer in Aberdeenshire.

  The 950MW wind farm is being developed by Moray Offshore Windfarm East Ltd (MOWEL), which is a joint venture company owned by Ocean Winds (56.6%) Diamond Green Limited (33.4%) and CTG (10%).

  Scotland's largest offshore wind farm has yet to be fully constructed, with the completion expected later this year. Project planning enabled a generation to start on June 4 - before all turbines have been installed.

  Ocean Winds, a 50-50 joint venture between EDP Renewables (EDPR) and ENGIE, has been developing offshore wind in the Moray Firth since EDPR won the rights to develop offshore wind in the Moray Firth in the UK’s 3rd round of offshore wind leasing in 2009.

  The sea-bed made available by the Crown Estate at the time was divided in two – Moray East and Moray West – to allow the development of Moray East which had fewer constraints to take place first. The first of 100 V164 – 9.5MW MHI Vestas offshore wind turbines at the Moray East site was installed in January.

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