
   2021-06-21 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站2021年6月7日报道,惠誉解决方案最新发布的油价展望报告显示,其麾下的国家风险与行业



  彭博共识预测,2021年和2022年布伦特原油均价为65美元/桶,2023年为64.5美元/桶,2024年为65美元/桶,2025年为65.9美元/桶。回到惠誉解决方案 5月份的报告中,彭博共识预测,2021年布伦特原油均价为64美元/桶,2022年为64.5美元/桶,2023年为65.3美元/桶,2024年为65美元/桶,2025年为66美元/桶。






  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  Fitch Solutions Releases Latest Oil Price Forecasts

  Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research has kept its Brent crude forecasts out to 2025 unchanged, the company’s latest oil price outlook report has revealed.

  The company’s June report sees Brent averaging $66 per barrel this year, $64 per barrel in 2022, $65 per barrel in 2023, $70 per barrel in 2024, and $72 per barrel in 2025. These forecasts are the same as the ones in the company’s May report.

  The Bloomberg Consensus, which was also highlighted in the report and which Fitch Solutions is a contributor to, sees Brent averaging $65 per barrel in 2021 and 2022, $64.5 per barrel in 2023, $65 per barrel in 2024 and $65.9 per barrel in 2025. Back in Fitch Solutions’ May report, the Bloomberg Consensus saw Brent averaging $64 per barrel in 2021, $64.5 per barrel in 2022, $65.3 per barrel in 2023, $65 per barrel in 2024, and $66 per barrel in 2025.

  “Brent finally closed above the key resistance of $70 per barrel on June 1 after testing that level on several occasions during 2021,” analysts at Fitch Solutions stated in the company’s June oil price outlook.

  “There is scope for prices to hold above this level in the coming months with a number of bullish triggers forming on the horizon, including strong demand signals from markets that appear to be re-emerging from Covid-19-related headwinds such as the U.S., Europe,” the analysts added in the report.

  “However, there are still few downside risks, not least in the form of re-surging Covid-19 infections in parts of Asia. The number of daily new infections in India have more than halved from its peak in early-May, although significant risks remain, including the over-burdened domestic healthcare system and threats from emergence of other non-Covid infectious diseases such as the black fungus,” the analysts continued.

  Analysts warned in the report that a few other markets across South and South East Asia are also seeing relapses in infections, which they highlighted have prompted governments to re-introduce strict containment measures, including partial lockdowns.

  As of June 6, 4.07pm CEST, there have been 172.6 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 globally, with 3.7 million deaths, according to the latest information from the World Health Organization (WHO). As of June 2, more than 1.6 billion vaccine doses have been administered around the world, WHO data shows.

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