
   2021-06-21 互联网讯


核心提示:   据石油世界期刊6月9日休斯敦报道,海上油气生产商塔洛斯能源公司(Talos Energy Inc.)正进入碳捕获业

   据石油世界期刊6月9日休斯敦报道,海上油气生产商塔洛斯能源公司(Talos Energy Inc.)正进入碳捕获业务,加入了越来越多的大型能源公司的行列,这些公司正在进行涉及温室气体减排技术使用的项目。

  两家公司周二在一份声明中表示,塔洛斯与总部位于英国的Storegga Geotechnologies Ltd. 成立了一家合资企业,为美国墨西哥湾沿岸的石化和工业设施提供碳捕获和海上储存。他们估计墨西哥湾下的地质构造可以容纳超过300亿吨的二氧化碳排放。

  塔洛斯能源首席执行官蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)表示,我们有责任以尽可能低的碳足迹提供廉价的、可靠的能源,这家合资企业使我们能够扩大我们的影响,使我们的影响超越我们自己的资产,为消除我们关键工业部门的排放提供解决方案

  在面临投资者和政府应对气候变化的压力后,包括埃克森美孚公司、金德摩根公司和Nextecade Corp.在内的许多能源公司去年宣布了碳捕获项目。瓦莱罗能源公司(Valero Energy Corp.)、贝莱德公司(BlackRock Inc.)以及领航者能源服务公司(Navigator Energy Services LLC)甚至正在开发一个工业规模的碳捕获管道系统,这是向低碳能源转型提供资本的另一个信号。

  去年从其海上油井日产超过 7.1万桶石油当量的塔洛斯,将作为运营合作伙伴,而 Storegga 将提供碳储存专业知识。这两家公司承诺将对其初始项目的成本进行50/50的分摊,每个项目都将有自己的运营协议、融资结构和增加合作伙伴的能力。

  郝芬 译自 石油世界期刊


  Pemex's partner Talos Energy on a green drive enters C02 capture business

  Offshore oil and gas producer Talos Energy Inc. is entering the carbon-capture business, joining a growing list of major energy companies undertaking projects involving the use of greenhouse gas-reducing technology.

  Talos formed a joint venture with U.K.-based Storegga Geotechnologies Ltd. to provide carbon capture and offshore storage for petrochemical and industrial facilities along the U.S. Gulf Coast, the two companies said in a statement on Tuesday. They estimated that geological formations under the Gulf of Mexico can hold more than 30 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions.

  “We have a responsibility to deliver affordable, reliable energy with the lowest carbon footprint possible, and this joint venture allows us to expand our impact beyond our own assets to provide solutions for removing emissions from critical industrial sectors in our backyard,” said Talos Energy CEO Tim Duncan.

  A number of energy companies including Exxon Mobil Corp. , Kinder Morgan Inc. and NextDecade Corp. have announced carbon capture projects within the last year after facing pressure from investors and governments to fight climate change. Valero Energy Corp. and BlackRock Inc. along with Navigator Energy Services LLC are even developing an industrial scale carbon-capture pipeline system, another signal of the shift to capitalize on the transition to low-carbon energy.

  Talos, which produced more than 71,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from its offshore wells last year, will serve as the operating partner, while Storegga will provide carbon storage expertise. The two companies have pledged to split costs 50/50 for their initial projects, which will each come with their own operating agreements, financing structures and the ability to add partners.

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