
   2021-06-21 互联网讯


核心提示:     据海上能源6月8日报道,俄罗斯石油公司卢克石油公司(Lukoil )已同意从KazMunayGas手中收购黑海

     据海上能源6月8日报道,俄罗斯石油公司卢克石油公司(Lukoil )已同意从KazMunayGas手中收购黑海哈萨克段一个海上区块的股份。

    卢克石油公司上周表示,已与 KazMunayGas 签署了一份关于 Al-Farabi Operating LLP 特许资本 49.99% 股权的买卖协议。

    该协议于6月4日在圣彼得堡国际经济论坛上由Lukoil Vagit Alekperov总裁和KazMunayGas管理委员会主席Alik Aidarbayev签署。

    在满足几个条件后,卢克石油公司将加入位于里海哈萨克斯坦 段的 Al-Farabi 区块(以前称为 I-P-2 区块)的勘探和生产项目。

    早在2019年,圣彼得堡国际经济论坛(St.Petersburg International Economic Forum)就签署了该项目的负责人协议。2020年10月,两家公司就Al Farabi项目的未来义务签署了协议。

    卢克石油公司表示,双方决定共同努力开发Al Farabi区块,这是双方持续卓有成效合作的又一步。



    至于Al-Farabi许可区块,它位于里海哈萨克段,距海岸约100 - 130公里,水深150-500米,毗邻Zhenis油田区块。


    郝芬 译自 海上能源


    Lukoil enters Al-Farabi block offshore Kazakhstan

    Russian oil company Lukoil has agreed to acquire a stake in an offshore block in the Kazakh sector of the Black Sea from KazMunayGas.

    Lukoil said last week that a sale and purchase agreement for a 49.99 per cent stake in the charter capital of Al-Farabi Operating LLP was signed with KazMunayGas.

    The agreement was signed on 4 June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum by the president of Lukoil Vagit Alekperov and the chairman of the management board of KazMunayGas Alik Aidarbayev.

    Following satisfaction of several conditions, Lukoil will join the exploration and production project on the Al-Farabi block – previously known as the I-P-2 block – in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea.

    A head of agreement on the project was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum back in 2019. In October 2020, the two companies signed an agreement for future obligations regarding the Al-Farabi project.

    “The companies’ decision to join efforts in the development of the Al-Farabi block is another step in their continuous fruitful cooperation”, Lukoil stated.

    It is worth reminding that Lukoil, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and KazMunayGas had earlier concluded a contract for hydrocarbon exploration and production on the Zhenis block.

    The Russian oil firm and KazMunayGas are also strategic partners in the large-scale Karachaganak and Tengiz projects as well as in joint ventures that develop the Khvalynskoye and Tsentralnoye fields. The two are also partners in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium oil transportation project.

    As for the Al-Farabi license block, it is located in the Kazakh Sector of the Caspian Sea some 100 – 130 kilometres away from shore in a water depth of 150-500 meters, bordering the block of the Zhenis field.

    The license block covers over six thousand square kilometres. The water zone remains ice-free all year round.

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