
   2021-06-26 互联网讯


核心提示:   据安迅思6月15日消息称,在6月15日举行的欧洲氢骨干(EHB)活动上,市场参与者表示,到2050年,欧洲和英


  咨询公司Guidehouse的Dean Peters在他的报告中称,到2050年,欧盟和英国的氢需求预计将平均为2150 -2750太瓦时,相当于欧盟和英国最终能源消耗的20-25%。

  与此同时,据Guidehouse的Kees van der Leun称,欧盟和英国的绿色氢供应潜力将逐步上升,到2030年达到450太瓦时,2040年达到2100太瓦时,2050年达到4000太瓦时。


  为了满足绿色氢的预计需求,可再生能源到2050年必须生产2900 - 3800太瓦时。






  van der Leun补充说:“到目前为止,宣布的蓝氢项目到2030年将达到230太瓦时,到2035年达到380太瓦时,其中70%的产量来自英国和荷兰。”

  朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思


  EU/UK hydrogen supply to surpass demand by 2050

  European and UK green and blue hydrogen supply could exceed projected demand by 2050, said market participants at European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) event on 15 June.

  The EU and UK hydrogen demand is expected to be on average 2150-2750TWh corresponding to 20-25% of EU and UK final energy consumption by 2050, reported Dean Peters at consultancy firm Guidehouse in his presentation.

  At the same time EU and UK green hydrogen supply potential is set for a gradual rise to 450TWh in 2030, 2,100TWh in 2040 and 4,000TWh in 2050, according to Kees van der Leun at Guidehouse.

  Panellists argued that rapid expansion of wind and solar capacity, beyond what is needed for direct electricity, is required to reach the green hydrogen supply potential.

  For the projected demand to be covered by green hydrogen only, renewables will have to produce 2,900-3,800TWh by 2050.

  Europe can also produce large quantities of blue hydrogen.

  By 2040 a network could span Ireland to Hungary or from Spain to the Nordic countries. It is from 2040 that the EHB notes the potential maturity of large-scale renewable capacity. For example, the North Sea has potential for 180GW of offshore wind power capacity to be installed by 2050.

  Supply could flow via the Baltic gas pipeline between Denmark and Poland if the line were repurposed, with long-term natural gas contracts on the pipeline expiring by 2037.

  Cost potential for green hydrogen in the EU/UK is also huge. All 4,000TWh green hydrogen potential in 2050 is expected to cost less than €2/kg.

  Market participants also said blue hydrogen can speed up emission reductions and can be scaled up quickly.

  “[Blue hydrogen] projects announced to date add up to 230TWh by 2030 and 380TWh by 2035 with 70% of these volumes coming from UK and the Netherlands,” added van der Leun.

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