伦丁能源向韩国GS Caltex出售碳中和石油

   2021-06-26 互联网讯


核心提示:   据离岸工程网站6月16日消息 瑞典伦丁能源公司周三表示,公司已向韩国炼油厂GS-Caltex出售了一批在生产

   据离岸工程网站6月16日消息 瑞典伦丁能源公司周三表示,公司已向韩国炼油厂GS-Caltex出售了一批在生产点被认证为碳中和的石油货物,这是挪威Johan Sverdrup油田首次出售此类原油。

  伦丁表示,公司从Sverdrup油田开采的原油已获得天祥集团(Intertek Group)的认证,该集团今年早些时候还批准了这家石油公司从另一个北海油田开采的第一批碳中和原油。

  从勘探、开发和Scope 1和2排放来看,该石油将被视为碳中和,但不包括石油最终用途造成的主要排放(Scope 3)。




  伦丁能源表示:“所有来自Johan Sverdrup的未来净产量都将通过天祥集团的碳零排放标准认证。”


  伦丁能源持有Equinor运营的Johan Sverdrup 20%的股份,Johan Sverdrup为西欧最大的油田,日产量为53.5万桶油当量。其他所有者为Aker BP、TotalEnergies和Petoro。

  吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


  Lundin Energy Sells 'Carbon neutral' Oil to South Korea's GS Caltex

  Lundin Energy has sold an oil cargo certified as carbon neutral at the point of production to South Korean refiner GS Caltex in the first such sale of crude from Norway's Johan Sverdrup field, the Swedish company said on Wednesday.

  Lundin said its crude from the Sverdrup field had been certified by Intertek Group, which earlier this year also gave its stamp of approval to the oil firm's first carbon-neutral cargo from a different North Sea field.

  The oil will be counted as carbon neutral from exploration, development and scope 1 and 2 emissions, but the major emissions caused by the oil's final use, or scope 3 emissions, are not included.

  The Sverdrup oil platforms are powered by hydroelectric electricity from land and thus only emit 0.45 kilograms of CO2 emissions per barrel of oil equivalent produced, or around 2.5% of the global average, Lundin said.

  "Lundin Energy has then taken the further step to neutralize net residual emissions using high quality, natural carbon capture projects," the company said in a statement on Wednesday.

  It has previously said it will use tree-planting projects to neutralize such emissions.

  "All future net production from Johan Sverdrup will be certified as carbon neutrally produced by Intertek under its CarbonZero standard," Lundin said.

  Intertek Group, which provided Lundin's certification, is involved in testing and inspection and verification to ensure that products meet quality, safety, environmental and other standards for clients including Carrefour, ConocoPhillips and Unilever.

  Lundin holds a 20% stake in Equinor-operated Johan Sverdrup, western Europe's largest oilfield with daily output of 535,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The other owners are Aker BP, TotalEnergies, and Petoro.

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