
   2021-06-26 互联网讯


核心提示:   据全球能源新闻网6月12日报道,到2050年实现碳中和对于应对气候变化和降低地球温度至关重要。净零排放



  西门子Gamesa发布了一份行业白皮书《开启绿色氢革命》(Unlocking the Green Hydrogen Revolution),概述了一项雄心勃勃的计划,即到2030年从陆上风能和2035年从海上风能提供具有成本竞争力的绿色氢。Siemens Gamesa呼吁采取联合措施,鼓励市场需求和规模化生产,并强调了在未来10年内提供低成本绿色氢的4个关键要求:



  • 开发供应链,因为没有一家供应商可以拥有整个生产和分销流程。 目前,这些举措是分散的,因此成本高昂,这意味着可再生能源公司、电解槽制造商、网络供应商和水处理专家需要共同努力,建立一个有弹性的供应链。



  郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



  Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is crucial to fight climate change and reduce our earth’s temperature. A net-zero future relies on mass-decarbonization, which is only possible through the deployment of carbon-neutral fuels.

  In recent decades, renewables, and mainly wind energy, have played a key role in the transition to a greener world, but the vision of a carbon-free economy can only be achieved if hard-to-electrify sectors, such as heavy transport and heavy industry, transition to net-zero emissions. Green hydrogen generated from wind energy has the potential to be the long-awaited, climate-friendly solution for these industries but, for this to become a reality, it needs to be produced cost-effectively and at industrial scale soon.

  Siemens Gamesa launched an industry whitepaper, Unlocking the Green Hydrogen Revolution, that outlines an ambitious plan to deliver cost-competitive green hydrogen by 2030 from onshore wind and by 2035 from offshore wind. Siemens Gamesa calls for a joined-up approach to encouraging both market demand and scaling production, highlighting four key requirements to deliver low-cost green hydrogen within the next decade:

  • Increase drastically the capacity of renewables because the green hydrogen revolution relies on this. The world needs up to 6,000 GW of new installed renewable energy capacity by 2050, up from 2,800 GW today to generate the expected demand for hydrogen (500 million tonnes, according to the Hydrogen Council).

  • Create a cost-effective demand-side market for green hydrogen to drive down the costs of equipment, infrastructure and day-to-day operating costs. Currently, the main operating cost for green hydrogen production is powering the electrolyzers, so a decrease in energy costs lowers the cost of the hydrogen and increases demand.

  • Develop the supply chain as no one provider can own the entire production and distribution process. At the moment, initiatives are fragmented, and therefore costly, meaning renewable energy companies, electrolyzer manufacturers, network providers and water treatment specialists need to work together to build a resilient supply chain.

  • Build the right infrastructure in terms of logistics, storage and distribution. There needs to be investment in hydrogen pipeline networks to unlock the potential of green hydrogen

  Siemens Gamesa is at the forefront of wind-to-hydrogen solutions, playing a pivotal role in the energy transition. Its Brande Hydrogen site in Denmark has been granted status as official regulatory test zone by the Danish Energy Agency, providing a freer framework to develop innovative green energy solutions. Here, Siemens Gamesa has integrated a battery, a turbine and an electrolyzer to serve as a test bed for several technology pathways, here among the production of green hydrogen in the near term from existing wind projects. In addition, Siemens Gamesa and Siemens Energy announced that they were joining forces contributing their developments to an innovative solution that fully integrates an electrolyzer into an offshore wind turbine as a single synchronized system to directly produce green hydrogen. The solution will lower the cost of hydrogen by being able to run off grid, opening up more and better wind sites. The companies’ developments will serve as a test bed for making large-scale, cost-efficient hydrogen production a reality and will prove the feasibility of reliable, effective implementation of wind turbines in systems for producing hydrogen from renewable energy.

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