随着亚洲各地需求增长 LNG市场将迎来强劲复苏

   2021-06-26 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源世界网6月11日新加坡报道,因为消耗大量天然气的国家大量消耗以促进经济增长的反弹,以及疫情措



  本周早些时候高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师在一份报告中表示,我们认为,这是受亚洲某国强劲发电需求带动的亚洲液化天然气供需紧张推动的。与此同时,韩国的核电维护达到峰值,而受到新冠肺炎打击的印度液化天然气需求已企稳。



  韩国最新、最大的核反应堆 Shin Kori-4 上个月在火灾后关闭,预计这将提振液化天然气需求。 运营商韩国水电核电公司(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co )的一名官员表示,目前尚不清楚该反应堆何时恢复运行。

  日本最大的城市天然气供应商东京天然气公司(Tokyo Gas)首席财务官佐藤弘文(Hirofumi Sato) 4月对路透表示,该公司可能利用液化天然气油轮提高储存能力,这可能会增加进口。作为全球最大的液化天然气进口国,日本的公用事业在去年冬天面临一场电力危机,导致液化天然气价格飙升至创纪录高位。

  根据Refinitiv Eikon的天气数据显示,未来两周,东京、首尔和上海的温度预计将高于平常,这将进一步提振日本、韩国等发电厂天然气需求。


  印度最大的天然气管道运营商GAIL的总裁Manoj Jain表示,如果该国摆脱疫情,作为世界第四大液化天然气进口国的印度本财年的天然气消费量可能增长6-8%。



  凯投宏观(Capital Economics)助理大宗商品经济学家基兰•克兰西(Kieran Clancy)表示,总体而言,亚洲液化天然气价格预计今年均价约为7.30美元/百万英热单位, 2022年为7.50美元/百万英热单位,高于去年的4.2美元/百万英热单位。


  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  LNG market poised for buoyant recovery with demand growing across Asia

  Liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices are poised for more gains as a certain gas-hungry country in Asia guzzles cargoes to feed a rebound in economic growth while the easing of coronavirus-induced restrictions restores industrial demand in India.

  Higher oil and coal prices have also helped lift global gas prices with spot Asian LNG prices doubling in just three months.

  "We believe this has been driven by a tightening of Asian LNG balances led by strong generation demand in the southern area of this country at the same time that South Korea reached peak nuclear maintenance, while Covid-hit India LNG demand has stabilized," analysts from Goldman Sachs said in a note earlier this week.

  this country imported more than 7 million tonnes of LNG in May, a record for that month, and looks set to import more over the next two months driven by strong industrial activity.

  "Fuel-switching (from coal) across households and businesses appears to have regained momentum after a brief hiatus, and now has an added policy boost ...that is heavily oriented around increasing clean fuels use and decarbonisation," Fitch Solutions said.

  South Korea's newest and biggest nuclear reactor, Shin Kori-4, shut last month after a fire, which is expected to boost LNG demand. An official at operator Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co said it was not clear when the reactor would resume operations.

  Tokyo Gas, Japan's biggest city gas provider, may boost storage capacity using LNG tankers, chief financial officer Hirofumi Sato told Reuters in April, potentially lifting imports. Utilities in Japan, the world's top LNG importer, faced a power crisis last winter which caused LNG prices to spike to record highs.

  Temperatures in Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai are expected to be warmer than usual over the next two weeks, according to Refinitiv Eikon weather data, further boosting gas demand in Japan, South Korea etc. for power generation.

  India's gas consumption is seen recovering in June after declining in the previous two months, as states ease restrictions in the wake of a drop in coronavirus infections, officials said this week.

  Gas consumption in the world's fourth largest LNG importer could grow by 6% to 8% in the current fiscal year if the country emerges from the pandemic, Manoj Jain, chairman of GAIL (India), India's biggest gas pipeline operator, said.

  Europe's LNG demand remains robust too, as imports are expected to refill storage levels which hit multi-year lows recently on pipeline supply concerns stemming from rising Russia-Ukraine tensions and a surging carbon market which may spur power producers to opt for LNG over coal, Fitch Solutions said. Supply issues, both planned and unplanned, plague some plants in the United States, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia, and are also supporting prices, traders said.

  That's crowding out some demand from price-sensitive buyers like Pakistan and Thailand, who have received only high offers for tenders seeking cargoes for July.

  Overall, Asia LNG prices are expected to average about $7.30 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) in 2021 and $7.50 per mBtu in 2022, up from $4.20 per mBtu last year, said Kieran Clancy, assistant commodities economist at Capital Economics.

  "The outlook for LNG demand further ahead remains bright, as it is used to plug the gaps in power generation that are not currently able to be met by renewables," he added.

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