
   2021-07-01 互联网讯


核心提示:   据6月17日offshore energy消息:挪威船级社DNV已经与新加坡的吉宝海洋石油公司签署了一项关于氢价值链

   据6月17日offshore energy消息:挪威船级社DNV已经与新加坡的吉宝海洋石油公司签署了一项关于氢价值链合作的协议。





  吉宝总经理Tan Leong Peng表示:“该公司在支持海洋行业寻找氢等绿色燃料方面走在最前沿,我们一直与DNV等合作伙伴密切合作,支持这一能源转型。根据吉宝2030年愿景,其中包括抓住新能源领域的机遇,吉宝正在利用其工程能力、天然气解决方案方面的专业知识和新的建造经验,为客户开发增值解决方案。”

  冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


  DNV and Keppel to collaborate on hydrogen in Singapore

  Norway-based classification society DNV has signed an agreement with Singapore’s Keppel Offshore & Marine for collaboration on the hydrogen value chain.

  The collaboration wants to explore safe implementation of potential new technologies, working jointly with governmental agencies to promote hydrogen as an energy source in Singapore, in order to support the country’s decarbonization goals.

  DNV and Keppel O&M will explore and develop safety requirements for hydrogen as an energy source, infrastructure requirements for hydrogen storage and local transportation, and offshore applications for hydrogen technology.

  Keppel’s Floating Living Lab, the first-of-its-kind floating test-bed in Singapore, will host some of the safety studies and pilot activities.

  This hydrogen collaboration represents another layer of the collaboration between DNV and Keppel O&M, following a previous partnership to enhance LNG as ship fuel since 2019.

  Tan Leong Peng, managing director of Keppel O&M, said: “Keppel O&M is at the forefront in supporting the marine industry’s search for greener fuels such as hydrogen, and we have been working closely with partners such as DNV to support this energy transition. In line with Keppel’s Vision 2030, which includes seizing opportunities in new energy, Keppel O&M is leveraging its engineering capabilities, expertise in gas solutions, and new build experience to develop value-added solutions for customers.”

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