
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:  据美国钻井网站2021年6月24日报道,美国西德克萨斯中质原油(WTI)的价格到今年年底将达到每桶69.71美元


  这是达拉斯联邦储备银行(Dallas Fed)能源调查的最新平均数据。该调查询问了150家油气公司的高管,他们对今年年底WTI价格的预期是: 调查的低预测为49美元/桶,高预测为85美元/桶。 该调查在6月9日至17日进行。 同期WTI现货价格平均为每桶71.05美元。

  达拉斯联邦储备银行在3月10日至3月18日进行的上一次能源调查结果显示,今年WTI均价为每桶61.13美元,低预测为每桶45美元,高预测为每桶85美元。 那次调查包括152名油气公司高管的回答,当时WTI现货价格平均为每桶64.39美元。

  达拉斯联邦储备银行最新的能源调查还询问了受访者,他们是否认为未来2 - 4年内全球原油供应将出现缺口。 76%的高管认为会有。 83%的高管还透露,他们在风能和/或太阳能方面没有投资。 7%的人指出,他们已经在技术上进行了投资,9%的人说他们计划在2025年之前进行投资。

  达拉斯联邦储备银行对位于或总部设在第11区(德克萨斯州、新墨西哥州南部和路易斯安那州北部)的约200家石油和天然气公司进行一次季度调查。这些公司的业务范围包括地区性、全国性和国际性业务。 达拉斯联邦储备银行表示,收集到的信息是经济分析的一个有价值的组成部分,并为联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的货币政策审议提供信息。

  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  What Price Will WTI Oil Be at End-2021?

  The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil at the end of 2021 will be $69.71 per barrel.

  That’s according to the latest average from the Dallas Fed energy survey, which asked executives from 150 oil and gas firms what they expected the price of WTI to be at the end of the year. The low forecast of the survey came in at $49 per barrel and the high forecast was $85 per barrel. The survey was conducted from June 9 to June 17. WTI spot prices during the period averaged $71.05 per barrel.

  Dallas Fed’s previous energy survey, which was conducted from March 10 to March 18, resulted in a WTI average price of $61.13 per barrel, with a low forecast of $45 per barrel and a high forecast of $85 per barrel. WTI spot prices during this survey, which included answers from 152 oil and gas firm executives, averaged $64.39 per barrel.

  The latest version of the Dallas Fed energy survey also asked participants if they believed there will be a global crude oil supply gap in the next two to four years. Seventy-six percent of executives said they believed there would be. The majority of executives - 83 percent – also revealed that they don’t have investments in wind and/or solar. Seven percent noted that they already have an investment in the technologies and nine percent said they are planning to make an investment by 2025.

  The Dallas Fed conducts a quarterly survey of around 200 oil and gas firms located or headquartered in the Eleventh District - Texas, southern New Mexico, and northern Louisiana - which operate regionally, nationally, or internationally. According to the Dallas Fed, the information collected is a valuable component of economic analysis and serves as input for Federal Open Market Committee monetary policy deliberations.

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