
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油价网6月25日报道 贝克休斯周五报告称,当周美国的油气钻机数量保持不变,钻机总数保持在470台 ,

   据油价网6月25日报道 贝克休斯周五报告称,当周美国的油气钻机数量保持不变,钻机总数保持在470台 ,而今年美国的钻井平台数量增加了200多台。




  EIA对截至 6月18日当周美国石油产量的估计为平均每天1110万桶。

  加拿大本周的钻机总数也增加了9台。加拿大的石油和天然气钻井平台 目前排在126位,比去年增加了113台。



  布伦特原油价格当日上涨0.50美元,至每 桶76.06美元。

  曹海斌 编译自 油价网

  Oil Rig Count Falls As U.S. Drillers Exercise Caution

  Baker Hughes reported on Friday that the number of oil and gas rigs in the United States stayed the same this week, with the total rig count holding fast at 470 as U.S. drillers boast more than 200 additional rigs this year.

  In the week prior, the U.S. oil and gas rig count increased by 9.

  The total number of active oil and gas drilling rigs in the U.S. is now 205 more than this time last year.

  The oil rig count fell by 1 this week to 372. The number of gas rigs increased by 1 and now sits at 98. The number of miscellaneous rigs stayed the same.

  The EIA’s estimate for oil production in the United States for the week ending June 18—the last available data—increased to an average of 11.1 million barrels per day.

  Canada’s overall rig count increased this week as well, by 9. Oil and gas rigs in Canada now sit at 126 active rigs, up 113 on the year.

  The rig count in the Permian basin decreased by 1 this week. At 236 rigs, the Permian’s total rig count is now 105 rigs above what it was this time last year.

  At 12:31 p.m. EDT, WTI was trading up $0.76 per barrel on the day at $74.06—up $2.30 per barrel on the week.

  The Brent benchmark was trading up $0.50 per barrel on the day, at $76.06 per barrel—up almost $2.50 per barrel.

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