
   2021-07-05 互联网讯


核心提示:   据能源之声6月24日消息称,葡萄牙EDP能源公司首席执行官表示, 该公司准备今年出售多达三个欧洲可再生

   据能源之声6月24日消息称,葡萄牙EDP能源公司首席执行官表示, 该公司准备今年出售多达三个欧洲可再生能源资产组合,总价值可能达15亿欧元(17.9亿美元),以帮助为其清洁能源雄心提供资金。

  葡萄牙最大的公用事业公司今年早些时候表示,为了响应全球减少温室气体碳排放的努力,它希望在2025年前放弃燃煤发电,并在 10 年内仅使用可再生能源。


  EDP执行长Miguel Stilwell de Andrade在接受路透采访时表示,作为其出售约三分之一新风电场和太阳能发电厂计划的一部分,EDP将在短期内宣布在欧洲的两项销售组合。



  Stilwell de Andrade表示:“我们能做的比单纯靠资产负债表融资能做的更多。”

  他表示,这些投资组合位于欧洲,规模将足以生产约200兆瓦的电力,其价值可能在3 - 5亿欧元之间。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 能源之声


  Portugal's EDP eyes sale of up to three renewable asset portfolios

  EDP-Energias de Portugal is preparing to sell up to three portfolios of renewable energy assets in Europe this year, potentially worth a combined 1.5 billion euros ($1.79 billion), to help fund its clean energy ambitions, its chief executive said.

  In line with a global effort to cut planet-warming carbon emissions, Portugal's largest utility said earlier this year it wanted to abandon coal-fired power generation by 2025 and produce energy only from renewable sources by the end of the decade.

  Renewable and low-carbon energy businesses are attracting high valuations on public and private markets from cash-rich investors who expect steady growth in the market as policymakers seek alternatives to fossil fuels.

  As part of a plan to sell around one third of the new wind farms and solar parks it builds, EDP will announce two portfolio sales in Europe in the short term, EDP's chief executive Miguel Stilwell de Andrade told Reuters in an interview.

  "There is a third one we are potentially looking at, and we have also started work on asset rotation deals for 2022," he added.

  EDP would aim to close the deals before the end of the year and invest capital back into the business towards its aim of adding 50 gigawatts of clean energy capacity by 2030.

  "We can do more than we can finance purely on our balance sheet," Stilwell de Andrade said.

  The portfolios are in Europe and will be big enough to produce around 200 megawatts (MW) of power, he said, adding that they could be valued at between 300 million and 500 million euros each.

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